Recent content by tfenders

  1. T

    iPod (15G) and a very small hard drive. What to do?

    Excellent advice. Thanks. All of my music is backed up on CDs already (in the event something happens to the iPod). I've turned off auto-sync in iPod Preferences in iTunes and will manage the files manually. also had some good info on using iPod & Toast Titanium to...
  2. T

    iPod (15G) and a very small hard drive. What to do?

    Just picked up a 15G iPod. I'm in love. My hard drive only has about 2G of room left and I've got 15Gs on the iPod. Can I simply use iTunes to rip my CDs, shuttle the files over to the iPod and then delete the files on my iMac? Is it as simple as that? Any concerns about synching? Thanks!
  3. T

    Best mail app for OSX?

    I'm a big fan of Eudora. It's got all the features you listed. A PGP plugin is also available (although I hear Apple's now has this too??).