Recent content by Thai•ZX-6R

  1. T

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    I think I have MySQL installed properly..... I think. Now I'm trying to install a message board. PHP works as the install file is install.php.... now it gets to the point where it's asking me for my: 1. Database server 2. Database name 3. Database user 4. Database password As default my...
  2. T

    How to delete in Terminal?

    I'm new to all this and when I try to run MySQL, it says that my one file could not be deleted and that I need to do it manually. It's a pid file. It won't let me just drag it to the trash so I'm wondering how to delete it in terminal... I know "mkdir" is make directory, "cd" is change...
  3. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    ok now i have it to say that it's alive but it says that there is no database! I thought MySQL is a database! lol... help please. how do I create a database?
  4. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    I guess it's not working properly... I get: mysqladmin: Command not found.
  5. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    ok I did that and it seems to work. does that mean that MySQL is set up and working? shows a page with all these info.... mysql version 3.23....etc. so MySQL is working?
  6. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    Powermaster, thanks for the link but thats where I attempted to install MySQL... The problem I came across there was that when it couldn't recognize "/usr/local/mysql" folder... so I changed directory to where it actually was: "cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/mysql" ....and then it looked like...
  7. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    I went through some steps to install MySQL but came upon some problems... So i went and took a few diffferent turns in trying to resolve it and now I'm not even sure if it's working or not. How can I tell if MySQL is installed and working properly?
  8. T

    Starting A Message Board... PLEASE HELP!

    I'm looking at starting my own message board, kinda like this one. I set up my server in OSX but am using 10.1.5.... I did some research and got my server up and running (but not sure how well). I have php working and I'm not sure if I have MySQL working properly or not. I just want to start...