Recent content by Torjon

  1. T

    Powerbook harddisk empty but full

    Thanks for your reply! Actually the applications are less than 3 GB. As for the rest of your reply I'm afraid it went way over my head! (Don't know what Xcode is?). Could you try and explain again what I need to do. BTW this is an old PowerBook G4 (running on OS X 10.3.9). Thanks for taking the...
  2. T

    Powerbook harddisk empty but full

    Since my husband is always "messing up" my mac when "playing" with iTunes, I wanted to transfer his iTunes files (13 GB) to our old Powerbook which has 28 GB capacity. I deleted practically all files on it, but it still has only 6 GB available. What to do? Where shall I look for the hidden gigs...