Recent content by uldispie

  1. U

    Reset dscl UniqueID and PrimaryGroupID of root to 0

    I got the answer on serverfault forum. The file we are interested in is located at this path /Volumes/<bootvolume>/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/root.plist Start Mac OS X Installer, open Terminal and edit that file. Change the relevant .plist values to 0. <key>uid</key> <array>...
  2. U

    Reset dscl UniqueID and PrimaryGroupID of root to 0

    I am on Snow Leopard. Because of a faulty script my root's PrimaryGroupID is 101 and UniqueID is 101. I have still an access to root, I can run sudo from my admin account, but the sudo and root do not have all the necessary rights obviously. I can read dscl output, for instance: dscl ...