Recent content by UtaTr3y

  1. U

    Hope this belongs here. Another Safari feature.

    d1taylor: You ever used a tabbed browser? You seem to not quite get it... it allows many pages to be open from the same browser... its a feature Internet Explorer doesn't have, but most that have used it can't live without. If you like using the tab key during browsing of the internet, you...
  2. U

    Gimp & Apple X11

    WHy not simply use MacGIMP? On a side note, why would you need Xfree86 packages? Seems to be redundant, X11 is the proprietary version of Xfree86, X11 is the version Mac ported, why would there be anything missing? Apple just chose not to include them like they chose to not officially support...
  3. U

    Deleting a post...

    In my opinion, its their perogative to delete THEIR posts, but then again, it is also the admin of this sites perogative to not allow them, so what ever... its the admins bandwidth and hardware space thats its chewing up, not mine.. I would actually thank people for deleting large threads...
  4. U

    Deleting a post...

    Please elaborate, how does one "abuse the delete button" for their OWN comments? I don't understand.
  5. U

    Deleting a post...

    I just posted something to the "problem with PowerMac sales" thread. Well on further reveiw came to the conclusion that it adds nothing to the conversation. Well I went to delete the post, but it says I don't have access to the page, what gives? Do these boards not allow users to delete their...
  6. U

    Problem with PowerMac Sales

    As has been stated, the IBM Power4 chip is supposed to be released soon. Who wants to buy a system they know will be obselete within only a few months? Personally I think that is more of a rip off then paying 2,000 + dollars to run the best OS on second class hardware to begin with...
  7. U

    Megahertz Myth...

    Apple needs to just discontinue their hardware line, the hardware is no longer inovative, its yesturdays technologies with a different form factor. They would make alot more money if they just competed with Microsoft on Intel. Everyone hates Microsoft, apple would own the Desktop in under 5...
  8. U

    Terminal FTP Question

    On my SuSE Linux box, I simply use the command "ftp", type "man ftp" for usage.
  9. U


    Umm, Linux isn't meant for Game's, games exsist on Linux for the simple reason of consuming time.. Uhh, I am sure however that if you downloaded the src files, you could easily run it on your Mac. You simply have to type ./configure <enter> make <enter> make install <enter>.
  10. U

    X11 only as root user!!!

    This site has a download file that provides what amounts to an OS inside of OS X, Xfree86 is useless (for the most part) w/o a Window Manager etc.. these are all provided by the file. However the file is quite large.. about 650MB, well worth the time if you know what you are doing though... The...
  11. U

    Even root can't delete this file...

    Try reading through some of your man pages, it states what they all mean... The middle 3 values (r--, or rw-) define roots permissions... the end 3 define current users permissions. The first 3 digits define OS permissions. If the first 3 are set to r-- then chances are its a BIOS file... Like...
  12. U

    Any way to script this?

    *cough* perl *cough*
  13. U

    Porting Aqua and Quartz to x86

    Darwin comprises of Mach 3.0 (I beleive). Mach is not an OS, its a Kernel. Mach is FreeBSD's kernel, Darwin is FreeBSD's kernel with a few Apple/Mac specific features... thats all... There is however a project that is working to make a functional OS with a darwin foundation. The KDE theme...
  14. U


    Why would anyone want to install Linux/*BSD on an up to date Mac? Yes Linux is nice, but doesn't compete with Mac OS X.2, even though Mac OS X.2 is expensive as hell...
  15. U

    root user and localhost?

    I am not sure how Mac OS X does this, however with actual BSD and Linux distros you simply type su - and type the password... you can also do sudo which will do the same thing... Do you remember ever setting a password for root? you should be able to by typing "passwd root". During install...