Recent content by velvblade

  1. velvblade

    [HOWTO] - fix option-drag problem

    I believe, through research and talking to a Mac specialist, that the problem has been found. I have no problem option-dragging a file to the hard drive or copying or duplicating it on the hard drive. The problem comes when it is within the server. (File option-drag to HD from server or from HD...
  2. velvblade

    [HOWTO] - fix option-drag problem

    cybergoober - yes, I have tried the duplicate command and the copy commands. Each time it will copy and paste or make the copy but it still does the blank doc look(white sheet of paper) and says "There is no default application specified to open the document '[doc name]'", and wants me to choose...
  3. velvblade

    [HOWTO] - fix option-drag problem

    In all systems earlier than OSX, you could hold the option key down click and drag a file to where you want it and copy it there. It would be the full file. Now in OSX(i'm using jaguar 10.2.4), when I do this same action, the file copies but it becomes a regular document, with no application...