Recent content by vtxrider

  1. V

    Bootcamp Switchers

    I have been wanting to switch for a year or two, but use some proprietary website building software that only has a Wintel version. I just ordered a iMAC Intel 24" with glee. I will be able to learn Mac OS X, have a MUCH more stable machine, and still be able to run the 2 windows programs I need...
  2. V

    Bought an iMac. NOW what?

    Hello, I am in the process of switching to an iMAC intel and have been getting all my documents ready (organized) for the transfer. As I have many movie files larger that 2gig that rules out FAT32, as the MAC can read NTFS but not write to it i was planning on transferring all of my files over...
  3. V

    Bought an iMac. NOW what?

    Hello, I am in the process of switching to an iMAC intel and have been getting all my documents ready (organized) for the transfer. As I have many movie files larger that 2gig that rules out FAT32, as the MAC can read NTFS but not write to it i was planning on transferring all of my files over...
  4. V

    Virtual pc or boot camp ?

    I am a new switcher in waiting. I have ordered my new Intel iMAC 24" and am waiting like it is Christmas all over again. As a long time Wintel user (20 years) I have at last gotten fed up with the patch on top of patch that is the Windows OS. But I do have a couple of programs I use regularly...