Recent content by wantok

  1. W

    Safari/Mail, periodically unresponsive.

    Cam, Yes, in the Pref pane the list was Ethernet,Firewire,Airport, [reporting 'Inactive'] Using the drop down preference I reset the service order to Airport, Ethernet, Firewire. Not positive but think this does coincide with Snow Leopard Installation. Although this occurs only on my iMac...
  2. W

    Safari/Mail, periodically unresponsive.

    Safari in particular[and Mail] becomes unresponsive several times a week. The only solution I've found to this has been in Network Utility/Info. Always. the network interface has defaulted to Firewire (fw0); nothing happening there, and clicking back to Ethernet (en0) gets things back to...
  3. W

    Syncing 3g nano

    Dear Legends, I regularly sync my 8G 3G nano, and all I require is that the music is re-sync'd. I want the games, contacts and the last three iPhoto events updated, maybe, but not removed. Any remaining space can be devoted to how many songs as possible, it is not critical. Invariably, "no...