Recent content by xray

  1. X

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    You have to click on "Start Demo" to see the Powerbook
  2. X

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    It's a Powerbook. Look at the screen hinges & the location of the IR port. They just photoshopped the Apple logo.
  3. X

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Neither of these are sightings from TV or a Movie, but they are Apple sightings. 1.) I saw Radiohead at the Tweeter Center (MA) a few weeks ago. The guitarist had a Powerbook G4 (15” I think) next to his keyboard setup. He would go over to it in between and even during songs to make changes...
  4. X

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    If that doesn't work for you try this: defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 0
  5. X

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    If you set it to "in the current window" the URL requested by the other application will open in a new tab.
  6. X

    New Safari!

    This is the size after install
  7. X

    Apple Can KISS MY ......!

    What a great post! :mad: I can’t wait till you get a PC and stop posting here, Bye!
  8. X

    iSink!!!!!!! :-)

    He is saying the .Mac addressbook/iSync option is now active... Booyaa!! I love this option!
  9. X

    New 1.42Ghz G4's & 20" Display

    Price drops too!! Check it out!
  10. X

    Tivo and Rendevous

    Does anybody know if it was mentioned when this will be available? I want one!!
  11. X

    Updates Live on MacWorld Keynote

    I can not connect to the webcast from work. Is the keynote over yet?
  12. X

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    I just saw a The Ring (Good Movie!!) and spotted a TiBook & QuickSilver G4 Chandler on Friends was using a TiBook a couple episodes ago. Tommy Lee uses a TiBook in his Behind the music/diary thingy Dont forget the Cinema Display on TRL every day... I think its hooked up to a Cube.