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  1. X

    Application for organizing PDF's?

    Thank you for the replies. More than being able to look for the specific file (I can do that with Spotlight) I want something that will rename and organize the files consistently. I tried Papers, and even though I set it to copy files to library folder, it won't do it. Plus it is 29 euros.
  2. X

    Application for organizing PDF's?

    Hi all, I am looking for an app that will allow me to do to PDF's what iTunes does to MP3's. Create a library where I can store PDF title, publisher, author, etc. etc. So far I can't find any. thanks in advance!
  3. X

    Strange Airport Express setting and iTunes issue

    Where do I set the speaker's IP address? That's news to me. Thanks.
  4. X

    Strange Airport Express setting and iTunes issue

    I didn't change the submask, just unchecked the option to distribute IP addresses. The static IP, submask and gateway remain the same.
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    Strange Airport Express setting and iTunes issue

    Here's the deal: I have set up my AE, a long time ago, to use an static IP address from the ISP and to distribute IP addresses using scheme. Everything has worked flawlessly for 2 years or so. Now I moved and the connection sometimes drops, which led me to believe someone had hacked my...
  6. X

    Weird OSX behavior

    After the last security update for OSX 10.3.9 (released today), I was asked to update my keychain access, so I told the computer to change all, it did but I lost the preferences of all my applications, my iTunes library was gone (I had to re import all the music files again - gladly they weren't...
  7. X

    DiskWarrior won't boot

    I don't think the memory is incompatible, the CD drive may be an issue but, I got the Panther installer screens up, TWICE! It crashed both times while installing (and because I told it to erase and install, I am on 8.6 now). Since I put 8.6 when I try to boot from the Panther CD all I get is...
  8. X

    DiskWarrior won't boot

    In my attempt to figure out why I can't install Panther I got DiskWarrior, it is supposed to be simple, put CD in, restart, press C and see what happens... well, nothing happens, OSX loads as usual and that's it. When I open and close the CD drive once OSX has loaded it either doesn't mount or...
  9. X

    Mac OSX Panther install problem.

    I just upgraded the RAM because I tried installing Panther before with the same unsuccessful result, I thought it was a RAM problem and bought more ram (I have 320mb now), same result. Firmware I had updated already, updated CD, modem link doesn't lead to any downloads. Tried this, no bong...
  10. X

    Mac OSX Panther install problem.

    I have an iMac G3, 333Mhz, 320MB ram, 6GB HD, Rev A. (Lime if you care to know ) I am trying to install Panther on it, since I am running 10.1.5 and I can't use a lot of the new programs. I put the Panther CD1, double click the icon and it asks me to reboot the computer. After rebooting from the...