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  1. A

    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    For the record, I went with PowerMail. $49...and it's pretty good. I did try again, but it kept puking on my importing of Eudora mail. MailSmith seems good, but it's expensive. Plus it has the Eudora interface of multiple windows for each mailbox...something I personally don't...
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    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    "As for Apple being 'thankful' that so many people are using OSX as it is right now, I have to say that I think that's a ridiculous statement." I have to disagree. Apples 'next generation' OS was about 6 years late. When it was released as OSX, it was clearly STILL a pre-release piece of...
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Is anyone using GNUmail? If so, could you explain how to install it? I'd like to try it out but have no idea how to get it running.
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    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    There seems to be a lot of people willing to pay apple for a .2 release. Am I alone in thinking that this is absurd? I'm all for paying for good software, and OSX is good...but far from being a 'finished' product. These enhancements, while nice, are by no means worthy of a full upgrade price.
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Well, call me skeptical, but those 'new' features seem like features that should have been in version one. Searching through multiple mailboxes? How was that not already implemented? The Outlook support seems intriguing, you think that Mail will be completely Outlook compatible...
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    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    For the record, it would be incredibly arrogant for Apple to charge for a 10.x upgrade...OSX is very much still a work-in-progress and Apple should be thankful that so many are using it as-is right now.
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    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    I thought the only "dot-number" upgrade that apple charged for was that correct?
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    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    I think the word is that this will be Mac OS 10.2...which means it *should* be a free update.
  9. A on Mac OS X

    This isn't Sun, is it? I thought Sun stopped all development on it and handed it off to the open source community to port to OSX. It sure is ugly...but I'm glad they're working on it. I'd love to pay for a copy of an aqua version of it. Oh...and the weather thing is weatherpop. Neat little...
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    My Feature list? Hmm...good question. I guess the main one is that it WORKS and DOES NOT corrupt my email ever. I've had that problem with and Eudora. It should also have good filtering. Eudora's is OK, but frustrating in that you can only have two rules per filter, which is...
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Well, I tried out Mulberry. Ugly. Really really ugly. So that's off the list. Ginko looks like it will be great down the road, but it's still quite young and a little feature-shy. So, I guess MailSmith is still the top runner. Any other suggestions?
  12. A

    Will an iMac will be fast enough for 2,3 years?

    I didn't say it WILL get faster, only that is SHOULD get's all up to Apple. ;o) Video editing is perhaps one of the most demanding things you can do with your computer. You may want to consider a G4 vs. the new iMacs, as you can more easily swap out cards and such if, down the...
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    Will an iMac will be fast enough for 2,3 years?

    Of course, it all depends on what you plan on doing with your computer. To your advantage, however, MacOSX is not as fast as it can be. Apple still has a lot of optimizing to do on it, so, in theory, the OS should actually get faster/lighter over then next year or so.
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Ginko ( DOES look promising! Anyone else using it? I think I'll play with it this week. It's only at version .2b, which makes be a bit wary in making it my day-to-day email app, but it's worth trying out...
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Well, Bob...I've always like Eudora, so maybe you can shed some light on my problems. Every so often, a mailbox would become corrupted. I'd have to reboot into 9, open Eudora in 9, and then fix it there, boot back, and then I'd be OK for a while. However, this was happening all to often...
  16. A

    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    Mail has really messed up some has Eudora (in fact, Eudora has ruined entire folders of messages). Mailsmith seemed to fix them, but, it's $70...if that's the best, so be it, I'll pay for it. As for Enterouge, I like it, but it isn't meant for large amounts of email (neither...
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    FAST web browsers for OS X?

    Keep in mind that most browsers are always in beta. And while Netscape Navigator may claim actuall release versions, all they do is pull in-production Mozilla builds for the rendering, so, technically, Navigator will always be in beta when compared to Mozilla. I've been liking Opera a lot...
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    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    I'm finally at the point where I am determined to find a good email application. Eudora is flaking out on me in OSX. OSX's mail app is buggy. Outlook Express I never REALLY liked. What's out there? What are my options? I've taken a look at BB Mailsmith, and I like it, though there doesn't...
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    Multiple Monitors on a G4

    AFAIK, dual monitors were NOT supported on the Cube. The only option was to get a card from that-one-big-company-that-makes-lots-of-mac-cards-but-I-can't-remember-the-name-of-at-this-moment. It was around $300...really pricey, but worked nice. Unfortunately, they never supported OSX, so after...
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    Multiple Monitors on a G4

    The new Mac cards have dual-monitor ability out-of-the-box? woo-hoo! It's ABOUT TIME Apple brought that feature back out-of-the-box! I can't even use a computer anymore without dual monitors. This is great news. Oddly enough, I haven't seen much mentioned about this. This is a big...