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    Siemens vs. Linksys routers/firewalls

    Anyone have good/bad experiences with either? I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive router (around $100) and both the Linksys and siemens seem good. Any comments on either? Does one or the other have a better mac-friendly web interface?
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    Copy/paste from classic to X

    I've had this problem too. It seems random, though it appears to affect IE5/Mac in particular. Good bye IE!
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    Any recommendations for Fax software?

    Can anyone recommend a GOOD fax software application for OSX? My wife is using FaxSTF but it sucks. It rarely works. Any suggestions appreciated!
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    Will we ever see StarOffice on OSX?

    Going a bit off-topic, do any of you remember myBlueOffice? It was a product coming out of Germany. It was written in RealBasic...not a powerhouse by any means, but it had a very mac-specific and (IMHO) fairly innovative GUI. It disappeared...not sure what happened to the project.
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    I need router/DSL recommendations

    I have a DSL line using a Cisco 675 router. The problem is that this router does not allow multiple NAT tables for multiple external IP addresses. I need this feature as I now have multiple server boxes inside the network (thanks to OSX, all of our machines will be servers in some form)...
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    Will we ever see StarOffice on OSX?

    Office X is pretty good. The biggest beef I have is that it is too much. I can't use Word or PPT because they have TOO MANY features that are poorly thought out. Appleworks is OK, but I'd love it if Apple could take it up a notch. Not necessarily be on par with Office (apple doesn't want to...
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    Will we ever see StarOffice on OSX?

    Is anyone aware of the current status of StarOffice of OSX? I know that sun dropped Mac support a while ago. Anyone know why? It would seem that if they are making it for Linux, it shouldn't be difficult to make it for OSX, should it?
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    Do you like the dock?

    I think that, overall, is why I'm not as happy with OSX as I had hoped I would have been. In many cases, it appears that Apple decided to forgo function in favor of form, or that there were compromises that allowed form to take precedence in too many cases. The dock is a wonder to play...
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    What is the latest Eudora version?

    Velvet: Does it actually create separate settings files/folders for you, or does it lump all of the personalities within one file grouping? I remember trying this feature out way back inOS 8, but, for some reason I can't remember, I didn't like it as much as actually having seperately...
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    How do startup items work?

    Ah! Well, there you go. I learned something new! So, that, of course, leads to the question: "What, exactly, are the startup folder for, then?" Yea...I'll probably get DragThing sooner or later. I loved my old QuickLaunch bar in Classic. It was like DragThing, but much less bulky GUI wise...
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    What is the latest Eudora version?

    The 'old school' way of running multiple accounts through Eudora is to duplicate the Eudora settings file and launch the application from there. So, if you have three different settings files, each one will, in turn, re-launch Eudora with that file set. The newer Eudoras let you have multiple...
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    What is the latest Eudora version?

    Ugh. Must have been user error. Well, I downloaded it again, and now I have 5.1b21 HOWEVER, I can no longer launch my accounts by clicking on the different SETTINGS files. It will not launch Eudora. Anyone have a fix for that? I can physically drag the settings file onto Eudora and it will...
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    How do startup items work?

    I downloaded the excellent system clock replacement, PTHClock. I placed it in my OSX >> LIBRARY >> STARTUPITEMS items folder, but it never launches on start up. So, I thought I'd move it to OSX >> SYSTEM >> LIBRARY >> STARTUPITEMS but I'm not allowed to modify that directory. Can anyone...
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    What is the latest Eudora version?

    Does anyone know what the latest versio of Eudora OFFICIALLY is for OSX? Eudora 5.1b12 continually corrupts my mailboxes and it crashes when trying to rebuild it. So, each and every time that happens, I have to boot back into system 9 to fix it. So, I went to Eudora's site and saw mention...
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    How to fix two annoying little things?

    Ed: ASM is great! Thanks! Now all my windows come to the front as they should! Also, while looking for ASM, I found PTHClock...that fixed the annoying default clock in OSX...
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    How to fix two annoying little things?

    There are two things, in particular, that REALLY bug me in OSX and I was wondering if there is a way to turn these 'features' off. First of all, when I click on the desktop, or any open app, I'd like ALL of that apps windows to come to the front. Some of the apps have a menu option to do...
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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    cclear: THANK YOU! I did that. What was odd is that in international, it WAS set for a 12 hour clock. However, opening that and then closing it fixed the clock issue. Now...WHY did apple hide that there?
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    Do you like the dock?

    Not quite to my liking. I want tabs. I want to be able to drag an icon onto a tab to see that group. Do any of the multi-dock apps allow you to do that, or do you have to manually switch docks before dragging a file onto an app? I'd argue that it is more laborous to switch docks than to just dig...
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    Do you like the dock?

    The dock is wonderful for joe-blow who walks off the street and starts drooling over bouncing, transparent icons. For anyone that needs to actually get work done, the Dock is a half-baked solutoin. There are several problems with it: 1) It just one 'group'. That's as old-fashioned as...
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    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    Kilowatt: I can append the day of the week and the pm/am thing, but I can not find an option ANYWHERE that turns off the military time. Ugh. So, I can have it say 22:31 pm, but that's stupid. As for Cocoa vs. Carbon, I'm not a programmer, so I'm defering to you. My knowledge of the issue...