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  1. T

    Moving a user's directory

    You can do it using a sym link but depending on how you abuse it might not be the best idea. A better idea, and what i have done is the folowing 1. open the terminal 2. type 'df' and note the physical device address corresponding to your desired users drive (mine is /dev/disk0s3, yours...
  2. T

    weird behavior with command keys

    My mom managed to turn on some "feature" in 10.1.1 that now, everytime she presses the shift, control, option, or apple keys a little translucent symbol for each pops up at the bottom of the screen. This is really annoying. How do I turn this off? TIA. Tom
  3. T

    Connecting a Color Classic to an iMac running OS X via Ethernet

    I've seen cable/DSL routers with a 4 port switch (checkout for around $70. Thats not really too much and you'll be able to use it for the rest of your life... think of it as an investment. If you just buy a hub it would be hard to use both the iMac and the CC on the 'net...
  4. T

    Connecting two macs simultaneously to Internet via CableModem & an Ethernet hub.

    I agree a router is the easiest way to go. Getting a router with a 4 port switch is nice but not critical. Your 'net connection is probably no more then 265 kb/s. Any hub you buy is going to be at least 10 Mb/s and more likely 100 Mb/s. Even if you are saturating your 'net connection you...