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  1. C

    MBP tries to sync to iMac account. How to stop?

    Great idea...Unfortunately, for me, it said that my .MAC preferences were not set. I didn't think they were but I certainly had not looked there until now. Tenjin...Was yours set? Thanks for the idea. --Mick
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    MBP tries to sync to iMac account. How to stop?

    I have just started seeing the same thing. I had originally turned this off from showing in the Top Menu bar. Now when I go to the .MAC preferences, there is no check box. The only thing that I can do is to sign into .MAC which my trial has expired. Now it seems that there is no way to turn off...
  3. C

    Entourage font size

    What version of Entourage are you running? Also what screen resolution are you set at? I am at 2004 and was courious if 2008 offered improvements in this area. I am using a 18 font size and sometimes this is too small. And I am at 1440x900. I like this resolution and tried reducing but I loose...
  4. C

    Macbook Pro won't wake up..sort of

    Looks like I have developed a problem with my Macbook Pro running Leopard 10.5.2. This has happened twice in the last 4 days. I want to say this didn't happen before I updated the last security update(how to see what I updated last?) but I won't point the finger yet. Here is what happens. I...
  5. C

    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    That did the trick...Program worked just fine and I now can SLEEP. YEAH!!! Thanks all. --Mickey
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    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    Well USB doesn't seem to be the problem. I will check out the links and see where that leads me...more to come. --Mickey
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    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    I have seen the console log in utilities. Didn't think about that. Not sure I have seen the sytem log however. Can I point the console to look at the system log with the same utility or something. Excellent idea about watching this with the sleep set to minimum. That should give me some...
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    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    I have tried sliding to about 2-3 minutes and nothing still. I haven't used the DVD player yet. I have added a USB hub to the equation that may effect this. I had a USB Drive(turned off), keypad/mouse(chained to the keypad), and a iPhone cable(not in use). The hub is powered. Having said...
  9. C

    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    Yes - it goes to sleep when I close the lid or press the power button and select sleep. I have tried on power and battery. Neither works. I have adjusted the times down to 5 minutes. Still no go. I gotta think there is service(what are the called on the Mac) or something preventing Sleep...
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    MBP won' go into Sleep mode on its on...

    I have a brand new MBP 15". I upgraded to Leopard a day after I bought. This is my first experience with a Mac so I am still learning. So far so good. However, I have noticed that my MBP will not go into sleep mode from non-use while plugged into power. I have it set(Custom) for 2 hours. Not...