Search results

  1. L

    Guitar/music software

    Hi. I'm a little new to creating music on my mac. I have my guitar connected to my mac, and I would like know how to make the much of it. What software titles are worth checking out? I'm basicly looking for guitar effects either if I'm playing directly to my speakers (through mac) or for...
  2. L

    Magics of Preview

    Hi! I noticed that Preview in OSX has a feature that slighly blurs images it shows. Allthough I found this feature a bit odd, it did wonders with pictures taken from my 1 megapixel cam. I tried doing someting similar in photoshop (different types of blur, etc), but I did not achive the...
  3. L

    Autosocks client?

    Hi. I'm using my iBook at school, but in order to access FTP, MSN, etc i need an "autosocks client". PC users here can download one called "Aventail". It's supposed to be a small application that runs in the background, and gives you access through the firewall. I've searched the web a...
  4. L

    Keeping old GF2 drivers in new system updates; possible?

    Hi. I have a problem upgrading OSX from anything above 10.1.2. The reason for this, I belive, is the GeForce2 drivers. (Yes, I have a "PC" GeForce2MX card...) The GeForce2 drivers in system/library/extensions are version 1.1.0 as of now, and these work great. Can I do a system update and...
  5. L

    quicktime: shortned moviefiles

    hi. I have a problem with some mpg/mov files. Quicktime seems to cut the movie short at about one minute, when the actual track is about 5 minutes. A weird bug appears at the end of the track (after 1 minute), that sometimes allows you to see the next minute of the video track. So by seeing...
  6. L

    AARGH...Geforce2 keeping me in 10.1.2

    I use a "pc" Geforce2MX400 card on my G4(AGP). Never though it would be a good idea, but it worked great, both in 9.2 and X. So I saved a buck and all was swell. But that dream ended in 10.1.3+ (resolution stuck at 1024x max, with only 75hz available). So does anyone know if Jaguar might be...
  7. L

    Stuck in 10.1.2 (GeForce2 problem)

    I use a "pc" Geforce2MX400 card on my G4(AGP). Never though it would be a good idea, but it worked great, both in 9.2 and X. So I saved a buck and all was swell. But that dream ended in 10.1.3+ (resolution stuck at 1024x max, with only 75hz available). I have heard about others with the same...
  8. L

    G4/Geforce2 10.1.3 to 10.1.5 resolution problem

    So I went from my old stable 10.1.2 to 10.1.5 thinking: this is brand new? I had problems with resolutions back in 10.1.3 (and so did a lot of other people). So I assume that somehow, this is fixed, but it's not..... So again, stuck in 10.1.5 with 640x480/800x600/1024x768 all in either 60hz...
  9. L

    10.1.3: Monitor back in the stone age

    hi. I installed 10.1.3 on my G4 (350 sawtooth, with AGP2x). On this machine I have a GF2MX400 card (that I got cheap at a PC-store). It worked great up to 10.1.2 (and in OS9.2.1), but no more. I can now only run 640, 800 and 1024 resolutions at 75hz. Wasting valuable space on my 19" (I do...