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  1. E

    check to see if someone is stealing my wireless internet?

    I agree with everything. Personally, I've MAC address filtered and WEP protected, saved in my keychain. That'll keep most everyone out. Of course, you COULD spoof a mac address and your COULD brute force the WEP, but who's got that much time? And if they go through all that, I'll let them sit...
  2. E

    dual processor bug (complicated)

    Well, to start is this a g5 or g4 dual set up? My initial thoughts are that when classic is started on a g5, it COULD knock it down to one processor emulating 32 bit processing (If that makes sense). I could be horribly wrong. If that is true, then, essentially, you're working with a fraction...
  3. E

    iPod doesn't like Finch?

    i'm going to say its a bad file. If it doesn't happen with anything else, then re-rip the file (I know you got it legally) and go from there. Try a higher bit rate.
  4. E

    WTB - Any laptop that can run OSX

    Hey guys, I would like to buy a clamshell iBook or another lowend mac for a modding project. I'm looking for one "on the cheap". If its good enough to run OSX, we're good to go. Gimme some prices!! ::angel::
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    Case modding Forum

    Can we try out a "case modding" forum, maybe in support, I don't know. Just to see how things go with it? There isn't exactly a place where you can go to find out how to mod mac's... I mean, there is, but its spread all over the place. Just a thought. :D
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    About those free (insert item) Ads.

    Truste has been restored to Gratis internet.
  7. E

    Would Tiger be available for G3?

    Alternately, you could get yourself a nice FW dvd drive, pop it in, and away you go.
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    Wack Finder/desktop-HELP

    Do a clean install. Completely reinstall, not just a normal install... you know, reformat.
  9. E

    update crashes and burns

    boot up with your OSX install disk, and go into disk utilities. Now, verify and repair yourr disk and disk permissions until both options run clean. You should be fine.
  10. E

    AIM 4.7 - File transfer issue

    Have you tried using Adium or iChat? As opposed to the official AIM client? I don't have any issues using Adium.
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    Sawtooth G4 hard crashes on 10.3.8

    Alright, cool, let us know how it goes. We're interested... Well, i am, anyway.
  12. E

    Recommend USB HD enclosure

    well, getting a firewire drive would probably solve the problem... there are many of them that are powered off of FW...
  13. E

    HD help/advice

    Reinstall, see if that helps. What can it hurt? If you're still having issues, I dare say diskwarrior can't help...
  14. E

    ALtec Lansing FX6021 or HK Soundsticks????

    I'm a huge fan of the soundsticks. Sound great, very clear, get very loud. Plus, i found them at a reputable site for cheap :) 108$... Not bad, eh?
  15. E

    root password invalid

    Yes, boot disc -> password reset
  16. E

    Sawtooth G4 hard crashes on 10.3.8

    You know, I'm not a big fan of these 3rd party processor upgrades. I heard of people having serious problems with them. However, happening all of a sudden is a wacky story. I don't know. What i would do: Start swapping parts for their originals until you get a stable machine. I'm convinced its...
  17. E

    photoshop 6 to 7/OS 9.2 toX

    I'm running 6 on my X laptop right now. Works fine. However, PS7 and CS are going to work better
  18. E

    GoLive or Dreamweaver?

    In my experience, GoLive has a particular knack for creating junk code. Thats not to say that most wysiwyg html proggies don't, but GL is especially good at it. That said, I'd use Dreamweaver. Its nice. Thats all :) Also, on the hosting aspect, if you go to, and select...
  19. E

    New Powerbook - can I connect to windows??

    Big thing: Make sure that if you have MAC address filitering you add your mac's MAC address (wow, redundant). To find out, go to Big Blue Apple -> About this Mac -> More info -> Network -> Airport