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  1. Brendan5647

    Ipod Nano Linux Help

    unlike you I am not rich. I can't buy a new one at the moment. I am a student so I don't make money.. plz I am not wanting to restart my ipod again
  2. Brendan5647

    Ipod Nano Linux Help

    Ya I go there but the thing is when I did that, my ipod got screwed up so I had to restart my WHOLE ipod.. I am going to wate till the Nano is supported because I don't want anything happening to it. It took me an hour to get my ipod back to date. I was not happy about this but I had to do it.
  3. Brendan5647

    Ipod Nano Linux Help

    I Have a Black Ipod nano and I really wanted a Video for X-mas but I got a nano. I seen that the linux can play video's on the nano but I really don't know what to do and I could use some help! Could you give me where to download the Linux and the step by step instructions??? This would be a big...