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  1. M

    Macbook Pro misery

    At last Apple have admitted a problem with the MBP!!!! I've just had mine booked in for repair, no quesitons asked. Thanks to The Register for being first with the news:
  2. M

    Macbook Pro misery

    To add to the list, 7) The battery life is <2hrs 8) It regularly "forgets" the Airport password, requiring a reboot! I really thought the days of rebooting were behind me when I switched 5 years ago - the iBook was so much better. I bought it online - is there any way I can send it...
  3. M

    Macbook Pro misery

    Dear all, I must say I'm surprised to be the first one complaining about these issues on as there are many blogs etc on google that mention at least one of the following gripes... We recently traded in our iBook G4 (last of the G4s in fact) for the 15" Macbook Pro on the basis...
  4. M

    [HOWTO] - Share iTunes Libraries on the same computer

    I've just bought a new iBook, whcih both my wife & I will use. We'll also both be using our iMac from now on. I've come up with the following solution: Copy the "Music" folder from the Admin account to the Shared directory under "Users". Update the permissions on the Shared directory...
  5. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    I thought there were rules against flaming.
  6. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    Who's name calling? The "race card" as you put it was played because it's the logical extension of your arguments. And I do pity people with your point of view I think it must be very hard to be happy in today's society.
  7. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    So according to your way of thinking, whites are the superior race as no one can argue that world society isn't dominated by the white european / western culture. Interesting. "You have to look at the situation as if you were a dog breeder, observing and reporting on your specimens" A...
  8. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    I find it bizarre that someone can insult the entire female population of the planet and not have his comments moderated. If he had said that blacks/gays/asians were genetically inferior, would he have been moderated then? Just because an insult is general rather than specific doesn't make...
  9. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    Not sure if your 18th century science has discovered statistics, but some of the more advanced forum readers might be interested in this (from the BBC): "Boys improved their performance on last year, but girls improved at an even greater rate, maintaining the gender gap in results. At...
  10. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    So do you still believe the Earth is flat? And is blood-letting still de rigeur in your neighbourhood? You only make yourself look silly and backward when you quote the name of an 18th Century academic. Although, to be honest, the 18th Century is probably where your "evolved" point of...
  11. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    Just because someone disagrees with your misinterpretation of "science" doesn't make them hate-filled. You in fact seem to have a deep distrust and loathing of the female sex. I feel sorry for you.
  12. M

    "Male Dominated" Society?

    Hab, post has highlighted is that women are in fact the superior sex. Man has "evolved" to have an aggressive streak, and has developed weapons capable of destroying the planet. Try telling your mother how superior men are when your hiding from a male induced rain of death. Women are...
  13. M

    The coolest thing I've seen in a long time

    The code sequence is shown in red dots on the door!!! Easy peasy.
  14. M


    Paypal doesn't get much from the 2.5% they charge - VISA or Mastercard get most of it. Note that they are both now under competition authority investigations for charges of price fixing and running an illegal cartel.