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  1. N

    Album artwork screensaver not loading

    I have recently uploaded album artwork on iTunes, both through the iTunes 7 feature and also the manual drag-and-drop way. The screensaver, however, does not recognize all of the files. It's not that it doesn't recognize those that I've downloaded through iTunes and not the ones I've manually...
  2. N

    Archiving from Comcast DVR

    Don't know if this is the appropriate forum, but you all are smart people and may have encountered this. I am a complete novice at DVR to Mac transfers. I have a Comcast DCD6412 III and a PowerBook G4 running OS 10.4.7. I want to archive my DVR recordings onto my Mac in any format possible...
  3. N

    Archiving from Comcast DVR

    Don't know if this is the appropriate forum, but you all are smart people and may have encountered this. I am a complete novice at DVR to Mac transfers. I have a Comcast DCD6412 III and a PowerBook G4 running OS 10.4.7. I want to archive my DVR recordings onto my Mac in any format possible...
  4. N

    iPod photo click wheel unresponsive

    Hello, My iPod photo has picked up the annoying habit of, while playing, becoming suddenly unresponsive to the scroll part of the click wheel. I can still click, and that does bring it back to life somewhat, but if I just scroll over it (as you would to turn the volume up) it does not sense...