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  1. B

    No users - now what?

    Oh, and I found this, but after mounting the disc, it tells me the write fails when creating the account, and then with the fooling setup thing that there isn't enough space on the disc. Grr.
  2. B

    No users - now what?

    I do, in fact, have an OS9 cd, and I had thought of this. However, when I tried booting to the cd, my ibook was having none of it and went into OSX setup assistant anyway. I think this is because it's 10.2, my understanding anyway. I had been able to boot into 9 before the upgrade. Maybe I'll...
  3. B

    No users - now what?

    Thanks all. I tried the fsck thing, which solved one of my older problems but has taken me about as far as it's going to with the latest thing, it seems. Here's the new deal: I managed to get to Setup Assistant to create a user so I could log in. I typed in all my info, blah blah blah, and...
  4. B

    No users - now what?

    So, am I just an idiot? After much travail, I managed to stop my newly-installed OS 10.2 from booting into a command prompt, but it seems in the process of all the upgrading my user accounts have vanished. Basically, I've got no way to log in. I tried booting from the install cd and...
  5. B

    Command prompt after upgrade - grrr...

    The screen looks like it would be a normal Jaguar screen, although I haven't seen one so couldn't say for sure. It's got a big apple and a clock thing, which stops after a little bit and then the command prompt shows up. The mac is an ibook 600mhz, 386 ram. Nothing plugged into it at present...
  6. B

    Command prompt after upgrade - grrr...

    The prompt says sh-2.05a#, if this means anything. Thanks again.
  7. B

    Command prompt after upgrade - grrr...

    Thanks for the suggestion, but it just rebooted into the same problem. What is the second cd used for? Will it help to get around this? thanks.
  8. B

    Command prompt after upgrade - grrr...

    Please help! I'm trying to upgrade 10.1.4 to 10.2, using a full system CD (1 of 2, although it has never asked for the second...). When I go through the install and reboot, there's a big grey apple screen that comes up, and a clock-type thing that goes around for a bit before a command line...