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  1. K

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    Well you have to ask your self...why is M$ running their latest XBox 360 on Mac G5s? huh?
  2. K

    WMP v. 10...

    I find it funny a company such as Apple who has only 3-5% market share influences a mega corp like M$ the way they do. Why does M$ copy just about every thing Apple does? Really if M$ is the dominate why do they give such a s*&^ what a 3 -5% market share do? Oooohhhh, it makes me wonder....
  3. K

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    I am glad to get home and kiss my Mac. The best thing I feel about the mac is its ease of use. Yeah windows has drag and drop however not to the extend mac does. You can not only drag and drop files into folders, you can drag and drop info from one application to another, surfing the web you...