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  1. C

    External Firewire 800 Hard Drives Randomly Unmounting

    Hi Thanks for the replies. To confirm, this was a hardware error. Had logic board replaced.
  2. C

    External Firewire 800 Hard Drives Randomly Unmounting

    Ah no, scrub that also. I've just rebooted the Mac and as soon as the desktop showed, the external Firewire 800 disk unmounted with the hardware error. OK, I give up. (I tried Zapping the PRAM also btw.)
  3. C

    External Firewire 800 Hard Drives Randomly Unmounting

    OK Scratch that about the Energy saving option, the disk has just unmounted. However, strangely, there appears to be a connection with iCal/iSync. As soon as I launch iCal, the disk dismounts with the Hardware Removal error – and then goes into a loop of mounting and dismounting...
  4. C

    External Firewire 800 Hard Drives Randomly Unmounting

    Macbook Pro 17" Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz. Following a logic board replacement for a separate issue. I have two external Firewire 800 Hard drives (two separate brands and sizes) which have suddenly started unmounting randomly and giving the 'hardware removal error'. A few seconds after unmounting...