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  1. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    Nope, didn't work Just checked the instal of libxml, it is installing into /usr/local/lib So, reconfigured php like so, after rm config.cache ./configure --with-xml-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-zlib --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr/local --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql...
  2. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    OK, I think as I've now installed the new libxml2 libraries into a new area, /usr/local/lib, then I need to recompile my php here we go!!
  3. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    OK, that new prefix and a httpd restart didn't work either, PHP is still using libxml2 2.5 So, is there something else I can try? Anyone? This is really urgent as my crappy feeddigest account is expiring tomorrow and I need to grab all of our feeds from our new feedjack site and I need to...
  4. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    Nope, nothing in httpd.conf about it either. I'm not trying a slightly different install prefix of prefix=/usr/local/lib see how that goes
  5. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    More digging!!! my phpinfo output is still showing libxml2 2.5, I'm wondering do I need to tell apache or php about the new libxml files. not alot in php.ini about it, checking httpd.conf now
  6. V

    upgrading from libxml2 2.5, to libxml2 2.6

    Hello I'm trying to use the SimplePie textpattern plugin on my Mac to consume feeds. SimplePie needs an upgraded libxml2 package, it wont run on libxml2 2.5 and needs 2.6 So I went and grabbed the 2.6 tarball from the web, unzipped it, and then ran the following commands in the expanded...