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  1. F


    It shows root as well. Maybe it can be done using the command "last" which indicates last logins of users. I going to try this one in a loginhook.
  2. F


    situation: Mac client authenticating using LDAP. Clients have a local Homedirectory. I want: I want to log user statistics, when and where users log in. I created a loginhook: # user is not admin -> continue set localadmin = admin if ( $1 != $localadmin ) then #...
  3. F

    can i do this with sed?

    you're right, i'll try applescript instead for now, still want to know if I can do it with sed (or another tool) though! anyone? pieter
  4. F

    can i do this with sed?

    I want to do the folowing: I want to add/remove a dock item, this has to be done in a script. is the file with the dockitems. I want to insert text from a seperate textfile containing a dockitem. any suggestions? thanks! Pieter
  5. F

    cups help needed!

    I am in a Novell network enviremont, there is a NDPS manager which links to a FieryX12 (xerox docucolor). The NDPS manager is using IPP to communicate to windows client (iPrint). Added a IPP queue in MacOS X (printcenter - add printer (while holding the alt-button) then you can choose an...
  6. F

    change password with do shell script

    What I would like to do: change the realname & password of a machine in a simple way with applescript. applescript: display dialog "Your name?" default answer "" set STNR to the text returned of the result display dialog "Password?" default answer "" set pass to the text returned of...
  7. F

    How to make programs run at shutdown?

    look at: it's simple!
  8. F


    Anyone tested 802.1x in panther? setup: an accesspoint which authenticates to a Radius-server using EAP-TLS. I imported a certificate and a private key in keychain-access (made on the radius server). It looks like the radius server doesn't accept my certificate; I have to authenticate over...
  9. F

    cups stopped with status 2

    thought it worked! my ppd file (in etc/cups/ppd) has the same name as the printername in my printers.config. still the printjob gets aborted. PID .. stopped with status 2
  10. F

    cups stopped with status 2

    It seems to work, thanks a lot!
  11. F

    cups stopped with status 2

    if I add an IPP/HTTP printer and attach a PPD-file this is what happens: job is in the completed Jobs list marked as aborted. a few lines from the cups error log file: Job 5 queued on 'LEX' by 'student'. I [11/Sep/2003:12:22:21 +0200] Started filter /usr/libexec/cups/filter/cgpdftops...