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  1. M

    Ooooo...lookie here...Isn't this just cute?

    I can imagine a Jim Reeves soundtrack as a backdrop to some of this moralising.... Which one? I'm not sure, possibly one which has yet to be recorded. So, I've been enlightened to the notions that Business can be self-seeking, corrupt & may provide shoddy products & service. Get REAL! I...
  2. M

    Saw my honey last night on Letterman

    Huckleberry NO AMORE Ann Oost:THE....... Belgian BABE OPEN ALL THE PIX.......GET ADDICTED!
  3. M

    Saw my honey last night on Letterman

    Forget the hounds- Check this out ....... a REAL Kilt-lifter! Ann Oost .......a piece of C21st ass (PC free Speech)
  4. M

    Saw my honey last night on Letterman

    A hound, deserving not of a caber
  5. M

    Mac users are smarter than Windows users (generally).

    Am useum makntush fer yeers noo an am pleesd thit am are noo seemed cluvur fanks too them bofings. Elmer Ph.u.d I wil now kontinu to wach paint dry as furthir proove of my notPCusin cluvurniss obligitory boast about my kitbit which includes:- a flewores¢...
  6. M


    T1 Connection!
  7. M


    Anyone able to get a properly synch'd playback of Apples 'switch' QT ads? Has 'switching' caused these poor souls to start 'twitching'? What a shambles!!! Another