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  1. S

    Disk Image Mounter Crashing

    My disk image mounter, along with my disk utility, and itunes are crashing the second I open them. I suppose its all related to my mounter issues. Here is what my logs had to say about it. Date/Time: 2009-04-11 00:16:08.146 -0400 OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S2167) Report Version...
  2. S

    Disk Image Mounter Crash

    thanks i will give that a shot, my roommate has the same macbook as me so finding the folder shouldnt be a problem.
  3. S

    Disk Image Mounter Crash

    All my native mac programs that came with the OS have all decided to crash on opening. (Itunes,Garage Band,Disk Utility,Disk Image Mounter, you name it, it crashes.) However programs I put on there like VLC, the adobe suite are running tip top. I recently got my hard drive replaced about 2...