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  1. W

    FTP + Firewall problem

    I solved it by opening few ports for passive mode in the firewall: port 40000 to 40999. Than I defined the same ports in PureFTPd in Preferences > Settings > Passive Port Range This works well for me now. Success!
  2. W

    FTP + Firewall problem

    That's a good one. But there is me and 15 other users on my server. So that is quite impossible... There should be a reason for this, and strangely enough, I experience it on 2 different machines with different connections to the internet.
  3. W

    FTP + Firewall problem

    I regulary use Passive mode... and so I did this time.
  4. W

    FTP + Firewall problem

    I have an odd FTP problem. If I switch on the built in MacOS Firewall, my FTP client software gets stuck at "Listing files in directory...". I tried first with Cyberduck, and later with Transmit, but in both cases there was the same problem. First I tought it was because I installed PureFTP on...
  5. W

    old G3 Powerbook into router and print server?

    A: 1) Yes, that's quite easy. In the "sharing" devision in your sys prefs, you can switch on "Printer-sharing". All printers connected to your PBG3 are now accessible through "rendezvous" (or bonjour). A: 2) This is possible if internet is provided by an Airport. I tried to make it work with...
  6. W

    Webdav permissions problem

    Hi, I activated webDav on my webserver with osX, but there are some problems I don't know how to fix. 1. If I connect to the webDav enabled folder of a virtual host, and I save something in it from any appliation, the standard permissions are 640. Is there any way for the files saved in...