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  1. L

    Can anyone recommend a good UK Mac magazine (Monthly)

    Depends on what you want from a magazine, but if you're fairly new to Macs, as your last post seems to suggest, you might want to take a look at Macformat.
  2. L

    King King desktops

    Ack!! Need new specs ...
  3. L

    King King desktops has a bunch of desktops for OS X, for those who don't mind a huge ape's face staring at them all day ....
  4. L

    Not able to shot down / auto restart

    Don't know whether this will work with your particular problem, but I've had problems with both shutting down and restarting my G4, too, although it's better in Panther than it was in Jaguar, which would never shut down at all. Having scoured these forums for help, I no longer even attempt to do...
  5. L

    Broadband for the uk

    NTL 600k here too – again, no problems that aren't caused by 'technical faults' on their side, or, in earlier days when there seemed to be more difficulties, that weren't solved by rebooting the box (I connect via a set-top box rather than modem) and computer. The free service status phone line...
  6. L

    Lost ethernet connection

    OK, found the problem once the red mist had cleared – my motto being 'when in danger or in doubt, run in circles scream and shout' – my ethernet settings had all been wiped. But now I'm having problems with Mail and Safari. Safari is either dog slow or gives an unable to connect message. Mail...
  7. L

    Lost ethernet connection

    Not sure whether this should be here or somewhere else, but here goes. Anyone got any clues as to why installing the iPod update would have hosed my ethernet connection. There's nothing wrong with the connection itself – it's working fine on my iBook (running 10.2.1), but on my G4 (10.3.3) the...
  8. L

    iTunes Shop in the UK???

    Piece in the Independent today says that ITMS in Europe is stalled because the major record companies aren't enthusiastic about signing up – they think they'll get locked into something that will end up losing them money. That should probably read 'making them a bit less money'. Go with those...
  9. L

    Apple will have a flagship London store.

    There's a regular coach service between all the London airports,, or you can get the tube from Heathrow to Victoria Station and the Gatwick Express from there. Taxi? Don't know, but I'm guessing you'd be well on your way to a new iPod ...
  10. L

    Geekiness percentage

    I have to work out the English equivalents of some of the questions: what's 'SCA'? Leaving out boxes that don't have an English equivalent – 23.66864. :D
  11. L

    Mail help please....

    And maybe treat yourself to Panther? Mail is much improved from 10.1.x and it would make reinstalling less of a pain to have a shiny new system at the end of it ... ;)
  12. L

    Mail help please....

    Have you ever been able to send via the broadband account with Mail? Did you trash the preferences before you tried setting up again? If you didn't it wouldn't help resetting them anyway. And have you tried setting up another user account on your Mac and setting up Mail for that account...
  13. L

    Mail help please....

    Which broadband provider? I've used Mail since 10.1.x and the only times I've had problems (touching wood with every available part of body) it's been the ISP's fault not mine, although Mail can't distinguish – one of my accounts was constantly refusing me access and I cursed Mail roundly until...
  14. L

    Sim City 4 problems

    If you try that, remember that Sim City doesn't put prefs in the usual place – it creates a folder in username/documents, so just dump the whole folder, trash the game folder and reinstall. Didn't work for me but it might for you. It was fine right up to the latest Panther update – I didn't even...
  15. L

    Sim City 4 problems

    The update hasn't worked for me – colours have gone crazy (lime green menus, anyone?) and it's unplayable. It was unplayable before, as it freezes after half an hour or so since Panther (was OK in Jag.), but I got quite excited that the update might be going to fix it.
  16. L

    iCal alarm notification not working

    I just ran into this problem, after upgrading to 10.3.3. I cut and pasted an existing entry – the alarm options stay with it and all you have to do is change the details. Easier than deleting.
  17. L

    Civilization 2 with OS X

    Clan MacGaming had Civ II as only partially compatible with OSX: I could never get it to run and I had to move on to Civ III, which is no subsitute. So if you can't boot into OS9 looks like it'll have to remain a fond memory. I miss Settlers, too!
  18. L

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    Pound to a penny a high percentage of them don't know the difference between 'atheist' and 'agnostic'. And praying doesn't necessarily have to involve a god (as theism or atheism, of course, does), just a 'supreme being', so there's room to split hairs.
  19. L

    Anyone Manchester, Uk tomorrow (Feb 17)?

    Geography never was my strong point. When I see the sea in the south, I assume I've run out of country ...
  20. L

    Anyone Manchester, Uk tomorrow (Feb 17)?

    Couldn't get much further south – just outside Brighton.