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  1. L

    Countdown To Orion 3

    I knew that ... :rolleyes: Anyhoo, yesterday I got an email from the place I get my games from, offering MoO 3 at £10 off with free delivery - I couldn't resist, so I'll find out for myself shortly. It may well end up on the 'never play it' pile (Alien Nations, anyone?), but at least I won't...
  2. L

    Countdown To Orion 3

    OK, thanks. I suppose I'll have to wait until the expansion pack for Tropico finally reaches the Mac and the UK, and then there's SimCity 4000 to come, as long as it actually runs, which 3000 never did. Nothing much else in the offing, it seems. I really like Stronghold - in fact I played it...
  3. L

    Countdown To Orion 3

    Hmmm. How does it compare with, say, Civ, or Stronghold, or Age of Empires, do you think?
  4. L

    Countdown To Orion 3

    Anyone got any comments yet? As good as IMG review say? Plays nicely with Jaguar? I really neeeeed a new game...
  5. L

    Is this how the westerners think??

    Arun - I take it this was from a forum of some kind, and the fact that it was edited indicates to me that perhaps someone there wasn't thrilled with it. It certainly isn't the way this common westerner in the UK thinks: it represents one of the extremes that so often crop up on boards and...
  6. L

    Gulf War II (HILARIOUS Flash animation)

    rofl :D :D
  7. L

    How to do accented characters?

    Save yourself time - download PopChar from Worth every penny (cent/whatever).
  8. L

    Just curious...

    I'm still in two minds (but hey, that's my problem ...) about the tactics, but on balance I'm afraid that it takes something like closing down to get people's attention - I doubt I would have done otherwise. I did have to think twice, but then I thought about how much money/time (same thing when...
  9. L

    HP LaserJet Stopped Printing

    I had a somewhat similar problem with an HP2100N, except that it was only one application (InDesign) that wouldn't print. This advice from the InD forums cured my problems: 'Look in your en.lproj folder I would be willing to wager that there are two PPDs for your printer. Remove the one that...
  10. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    Just to bring this thread up to date, NAV arrived yesterday - I installed and ran it and it came up with a seemingly endlesss list of macro viruses, but also several Macintosh worms, file infectors and trojan horses. Although they might not be effective in Jaguar, if I had been posting to say...
  11. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    I have an update. I realised I had a trial copy of Virusbarrier X on one of the CDs that came with this month's MacFormat. Ran it - no viruses reported. So unless NAV, when it arrives tomorrow, comes up with something that VBX missed, that's not the reason. I'm still curious, but now less...
  12. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    Toast - that would be good, but once in a while I set a journal that HAS to be in Word, academic journal editors mostly being conservative animals who wouldn't know a dtp app. if it bit them. If it was just books, I could junk it. I used to use AppleWorks but that doesn't seem to be an option at...
  13. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    Iogotheta Yes, I was afraid someone would say that ... although I very rarely actually work in Word, because I import everything into InDesign. The principle's the same, though, and I suspect you are right. The client hasn't come back to me, so I imagine they think it's too much trouble to...
  14. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    I'll get them to send me a list, if they can - everyone's gone home now so it won't be until tomorrow.
  15. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    I don't know what they were - a list of numbers was rattled off at me, but I didn't register them, since I wasn't particularly concerned, except that they *were* numbers and not names. The message the other end read out to me definitely said 'contained', though, not 'could contain'.
  16. L

    Jaguar, viruses and Word, oh my

    :confused: Here's the thing. A client wanted to revised the 'finished' version of his chapter in a book - something I don't usually do as it creates havoc, but I figured I could charge him for the privilege ... I pasted the chapter from Adobe InDesign into Word (yes, I know, but ALL my clients...
  17. L

    BT Broadband

    I've had an ntl broadband connection for nearly a year now, with (touch wood) very few problems. They're not exactly Mac-friendly, despite using iMacs in their demonstrations, but the software has installed OK on my new dp G4 Quicksilver, and without having to boot into 9, despite the ntl...
  18. L

    The Sims on OS X?

    Kent 1. On my old G4, I had to boot in 9 to instal, but on my current machine (dp G4) it installed in X. 2. Don't know. 3. The money cheat certainly does! 4. Mostly, yes. Check out the Well Dressed Sim site (sorry, don't have the URL to hand) for instructions on how to adapt skins, etc. for...
  19. L

    9 booting killed all that was holy!

    Yup - me too. Booted into 9 for the first time the other day on my new dual processor G4, running 10.2.3, froze when I selected 10 to start up and got the dreaded flashing question mark after a hard restart. I had to reinstall everything from scratch, and it's all fine, but I haven't tried to...
  20. L

    Safari prefs?

    Nope - mine's fine.