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  1. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    Took the iBook to the Apple Store and it hooked right up to their Airport network. Took it home and found the problem in the iMac Sharing preferences. Apparently they got set up to share an Ethernet connection, not an Airport connection. In my defense, the interface is ambiguous and the Help...
  2. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    Bless you for trying but I went methodically through the list of options and I'm still stuck. iBook did connect with Ethernet cable. There were some Airport s/w updates and I installed them. Same problem. Network checks out perfectly except no Internet on the iBook. A couple more points of...
  3. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    You got it. Cable modem connected by Ether to iMac. No Airport Extreme and no Airport Base Station except the iMac (Base Station) itself. iMac internet works perfectly. iBook--using the iMac for an Airport Base Station--does not. It used to work. Now it doesn't. Thanks, Pat
  4. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    And another thing . . . There is a considerable wait before the terminal responds to pings of anything beyond the base station. Similar wait (more than a full minute) before failure response from browser. Thanks for any suggestions. Pat
  5. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    Screenshots at Ping yeilds "No route to host"
  6. C

    Good Airport connection but no Internet

    Problem: iBook lost Airport Internet connection when upgraded to Tiger Background data: iBook and G5 iMac (base station) both running 10.4.5 iBook Airport connection works (can print wirelessly) iBook Internet doesn’t work. Can not ping or ip numbers on the net. (Not a DNS...