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  1. M

    Microsoft: we'll sell music players that are better than the iPod

    the mac observer has a report on what the M$ guy really said
  2. M

    iTunes price hike...

    So when you said "I suppose I've now rendered my iPod useless (old 5 Gigger) in the legal music arena" you meant you've made it slightly less convenient. And the Mac observer also reported that the prices aren't going up
  3. M

    Music Tastes

    Rock and metal. And some of my friends have said I've got broad musical taste (are The Who that far from In Flames???)
  4. M

    iTunes price hike...

    you do realise it is legal to buy CDs, rip them to mp3 or aac and use them.
  5. M

    Do you have also a PC?

    Macs (see sig) and a Nextstation colour (wont boot, NeXTStep 3.3 is in the post though) which should count as half a mac.
  6. M

    What book are you reading/listening to?

    point counter point by Aldous Huxley
  7. M

    the good ol' cartoon shows...

    'only' 23, Im only 19 and knew half of them (my boss is 25). Obviously this will need more discussion tomorrow
  8. M

    the good ol' cartoon shows...

    where's teenage mutant ninja turtles??? dogtanion kicks arse, and it's very strange we had this exact discussion in the office last week.
  9. M

    Happy birthday, Steve!

    The birthday quote in the paper today was (something like this, I forget the exact wording) "People sit in front of the TV to switch their brain off but sit in front of a computer to switch it on"
  10. M

    Battle of the old bands...

    I'll second The Who
  11. M

    PC Personal afraid to use my iBook

    to add to mine, when they were installing Norton they had to wait for someone telling them how to open the Combo drive
  12. M

    PC Personal afraid to use my iBook

    In our office (sadly not the computer im typing this on) there are 2 1ghz G4s, every time tech support come down the first line is "I dont know anything about macs". To prove this they said norton has to be installed for virus protection......
  13. M

    History of Apple's Finances???

    read infinite loop by michael malone, cool book.
  14. M

    Rugby union

    "england, you know that team that beat oz and the kiwis the last 2 times we played them"
  15. M

    Napster and Colleges

  16. M

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    Just won 2 NeXT slabs on eBay (one mono, one turbo colour) should be fun to play with when i get them.
  17. M

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    I got 18 hours from the first charge, with some to spare but I haven't used it that much (only had it 6 days).
  18. M

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    since my last post PowerMac G3 266 Tower, 128MB RAM, 6GB hard drive, OS 9.2.1 The ethernet doesn't appear to work, or I've lost the ability to network 2 computers eMate 300 = cool
  19. M

    Newton Questions

    for more has loads of software.
  20. M

    Rugby union

    <mutters>damn kiwis always have an excuse ;)</mutters> at least we both whipped the aussies