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  1. C

    itunes crashing (have to restart)

    about once a day my itunes crashes completely, forcing me to restart. it usually (maybe always) happens when i browse my albums in coverflow and i click on an album to go to it. i tried deleting the itunes preferences several times, but that did not help. i also tried having a look at...
  2. C

    Constant Upstream on my Mac. Spyware?

    Hi All, Lately my internet connection is seriously slowing down. Thing is, when I download or upload a large file the speeds are reasonable but surfing is really slow. I had a look in the Activity Monitor under network and I'm seeing a constant upstream that's using my full upload...
  3. C problem, please help

    I have had this issue ever since I got my macbook (with Leopard), but until now I somehow lived with it. Now it's driving me crazy and I really wish I could solve it. Mail's outgoing speed is ridiculously slow (under 5 kb/s), and even worse, it often comes to a complete halt (0 kb/s) and I get...
  4. C

    itunes freezes my mac

    deleting the preferences files did not solve the problem. it seems as though it had gotten better for a few days, but now i'm back to regular crashes. maybe the problem was solved but recurred somehow? any other ideas? thanks.
  5. C

    itunes freezes my mac

    i tried that, now it's just waiting and seeing if it crashes again. will update.
  6. C

    itunes freezes my mac

    this issue seriously handicaps my computer use. when i use itunes, once every few hours my computer just freezes totally. nothing responds anymore (including force quit) and i have to use the power button to reset. i haven't noticed any regular behavior that causes this, but it always happens...