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  1. D

    CardBus slots?

    I suppose that would be up to the 3rd party developers, for the most part.. only Apple PCMCIA card I have is the DVD Decoder card for my Powerbook...
  2. D

    Customer Service Horror!

    That's a very normal thing to have occur (them wanting to repair the monitor)... were you desiring a new, replacement monitor, the best route to take would be contacting the location of the purchase and checking if maybe they can assist you further. I'd hardly consider it to be "refurbished" if...
  3. D

    MacOS X Screen Saver?!

    Yep.. the epicware stuff works rather well. Fire is way cool too, but does strange things once in a while.. I'm really happy to see that the author puts out other stuff as well.
  4. D

    SUN or Apple iMac (I am not a wintrol or anti-mac)

    I'm sitting here at work with my Sun Ultra 5 (Solaris 8) to my left, and my G3/266 Powerbook with MacOS X Public Beta to my right. It's great. *VERY* useful for me here at work. (I'm a sysadmin for a subsidiary of the largest single ISP on the planet) MacOS X is way cool. If you have fun with...
  5. D

    Beautiful! My primary OS on a B&W G3!

    I got "File not found" :(
  6. D

    Staroffice for Mac OS X

    well, it's now open sourced..hmm.. anybody gotten bored and tried to compile it in MacOS X yet? :)
  7. D

    Beautiful! My primary OS on a B&W G3!

    Doesn't it just see the Voodoo3 PCI as a plain ol' VGA compatible video card or something? I too am using it as my main OS here at work, on a G3/266 Powerbook. I love it. I've also been using the Carbonized Mozilla builds (found at if you wanna try it)...
  8. D on Linux !.....yehaww

    No, not everything is faster and easier on linux. I don't know why anybody said that. Few things y'all didn't consider: 1) is based at a webhosting company that just happens to have linux servers. 2)the guy that owns this site is a poor college kid that can't afford a new machine...
  9. D

    developer tools

    the tools are apparantly available now from Apple :)
  10. D

    impenetrable OSX?

    nmap run of our MacOS X box: Port State Protocol Service 22 open tcp ssh 80 open tcp http 111 open tcp sunrpc 743 open tcp unknown 746 open tcp...
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    ScreenSaver does support passwords.

    Uh.. there's nothing there about the screensaver at all, dude. However, there is some pretty cool stuff about SMTP and TCP/IP.. ;)
  12. D

    OS X on wallstreet?

    MacBoy is close - By "original Powerbook G3" they mean the "Kanga" series of Powerbook G3 - the G3/250 in the same case as the Powerbook 3400. Not really sure how many of those are around, but my girlfriend has one. (I've got the G3/266 Wallstreet, OS X runs pretty good on it)
  13. D

    IMAP and

    I'm using on multiple IMAP accounts at work. I notice the same issues you did, but add a few more. 1)Can't choose what account you "send" from (like you can in Claris Emailer or Netscape 6.0pr2/Mozilla) 2)no local "sent mail"folder 3)Filtering is rather sparse. I mean, it's nice, and...
  14. D

    Enabling Telnet access

    Ah! I had the issue pop up on two different machines, both of with had nothing but a format + reinstall of 9.0.4 and then MacOS X PB... did you install some other stuff or something? ;) Cool.. we've written a mini-SSH how-to here.. yay! ;)
  15. D

    Running sendmail, procmail, pop3d, and pine

    Steve, that's not what he meant.. hehe.. in his case, his MacOS X box *is* "the remote server" so he'll need to have Pine installed on it. That's what he's talking about. :) Many people sit down at their *nix box at home and use pine for local mail anyway... or lazy sods like myself use Pine to...
  16. D

    Enabling Telnet access

    I found a bit more to it than just adding the line to /etc/hostconfig... what about ssh-keygen? I got it to work by.. 1)adding SSHSERVER=-YES- to /etc/hostconfig (notice the other cool things in there?) 2)su to root.. type /usr/sbin/sshd and pay attention to the error you says...