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  1. H

    iTunes crashes when.........

  2. H

    Gentoo's portage for OS X (download link insiiiide)

    The Gentoo for OS X has been updated and it's now in Alpha. Give it a whirl!
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    Yellow Dog Linux CD's

    It might be corrupted? I never download iso's using a web browser instead try doing a curl (with curl -O http://path/to/iso) I've heard of the Finder corrupting iso's by auto mounting the image.
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    Gentoo's portage for OS X (download link insiiiide)

    Also for more info check this out.............
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    Gentoo's portage for OS X (download link insiiiide) Has anyone gave this a shot? I would but I just made a 13GB partition for Gentoo and only 5GB for OS X. IMO Portage is a 10000000000 times better then Fink. I just wanted to know if it's just like the portage that runs...
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    Some changes for 10.4

    Really what I would like to see. (since all the iCandy has already been mentioned in this thread I won't repeat it:)) 1) ReiserFS!!! Or something besides ext3. 2) A way to configure the Darwin kernel to fit my needs. 3) Have the Gentoo portage software built in OS X (when it's done ;))...
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    Running Linux on your Mac

    Well you can use Fink for OS X to get a small feel of the *nix environment. But my recommendation would be to back up everything you have and make a seperate Linux partition that's really the only way to learn linux. Linux has more *nix features then OS X. You can compile your own kernel and...
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    Linux on my iBook?

    Octane, I just installed Gentoo on my G3 500Mhz iBook2 and everything works just as I need. The Gentoo installation is a bit of a challenge but trust me when you get it up and running you will love it to death. Out of all the distros I've used Gentoo is the best and for the PPC. :D I've...
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    I just want to add my 2 cents in (since I'm at work and I don't have anything better to do :)) It's funny how many windows users flame me for using OS X. At least once a day I hear "get a real computer" and "at least I can use a two button mouse" That's just them living in the past. Sure Mac OS...
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    Linux on OS X

    I'm using Gentoo right now on my G3 500MHZ iBook and love it. And you must love MOL (Mac on Linux :D Now if only they ported the portage tree over to OS X then no one would be using Fink.
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    Firewalls for X?

    I've had problems with brickhouse and impasse with 10.3 and I wanted a firewall that I could configure without any problem. And also a program that shows me the ipfw logs in realtime.
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    Firewalls for X?

    Has anyone installed any kde or X firewalls on OS X? I really want kmyfirewall to work on my mac but I don't think it will install. Anyone have any ideas on getting a X firewall to work on my mac?
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    Getting rid of Quartz-wm when running KDE on 10.3

    Nice one thanks a lot. I blame Nintendo for me not reading the release notes like I never did read the manual for a video game. :) Thanks again
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    Getting rid of Quartz-wm when running KDE on 10.3

    if [ -f $sysresources ]; then xrdb -merge $sysresources fi if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then xmodmap $sysmodmap fi if [ -f $userresources ]; then xrdb -merge $userresources fi if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then xmodmap $usermodmap fi # start some nice programs...
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    Getting rid of Quartz-wm when running KDE on 10.3

    I've edited every .xinitrc file I could find to open kwin as my window manager but it's still using Quartz-wm when I open KDE. What am I doing wrong?
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    Problem making a bootable disk on OX 10.3

    Haha I forgot about this post. Sorry. All I did was made a image in the disk image tool app. Then dragged the files into the newly made image and clicked burn. Works everytime.
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    lost+found, whats it for?

    haha you guys are so mac. The lost+found directory is created when you *nix box crashes. What happens is the computer takes some files that it has in it's memory and puts it in the lost+found directory so you can view later to see if you need them or not. "Orphaned files and directories...
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    How to make a swap partition on 10.3?

    How would I go about doing this? And how big does the partition have to be? Thanks in advance.
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    Installing Linux

    If you don't know a damn thing about linux then go for Mandrake. Redhat is ok but I don't like it it's too buggy and I've gotten a bunch of kernel panics. The BEST two distros to check out would be SuSe and Gentoo linux. You won't have any problem with those two distros. I would recommend...