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  1. wmono

    Mac OS 10.2.3!

    No, it doesn't make sense that OS X can prevent booting into OS 9. Are you thinking of the announcement that Macs announced starting next year won't have ROM support for OS 9? Here's the announcement:
  2. wmono

    New Apple PalmOS Device?

    Microdrive? No thanks. This Palm V I have with a whopping 2 megabytes of RAM is not even half full after thee years. There's no way I would have any use for 32 megabytes of RAM in a PDA, never mind a quarter or half gigabyte of storage. One of the best things about my Palm V is that I can...
  3. wmono

    Dragging not working.

    That's apparently a fairly common problem. I've encountered it as well. There's a discussion about it on the Apple web site. I'm not sure these links are persistent, but here's the URL I got now for the thread: If that...
  4. wmono


    What that error message says is that your DISPLAY environment variable is not set. If it were set, its contents would have followed the colon in the error message. Trying to run X clients as another user can be a tricky problem. You might have some luck with the sux script, but I haven't...
  5. wmono

    How do you DHCP Release & Renew in Jaguar?

    You can do it from the Network preference panel. Select the interface, set to Manual, apply now, set to DHCP, apply now.