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  1. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    That's crazy man! Eddie Van Halen is apparently really miserable about stuff like that too. He can tell when transistors and what not are changed in his amp. I am trying an amlitube demo right now directly plugged in and it does not seem to be working. Guess it needs preamp. This cable on...
  2. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic? Seeing this thing I am wondering if I even need an iMic to use a regular adapter to plug my guitar to my iBook? Can I just go direct with a generic Radio-Crack type adapter? Or is this one on the Apple site...
  3. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    Sweeeeeeet! Apple kicks!
  4. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    No, I hear you though. I am pretty much just a hack player. I have a small selection of effects I like for main tone. I bought a Zoom multi-thing and I can't stand it anymore. It sounds just terrible. I have played for quite a few years, but haven't seemed to develop too well, especially when I...
  5. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    Yeah, a Line6 Pod would be the way too go, but I seem to be too poor for one of those and I was thinking I could get away with using GarageBand to just jam with. I am kind of concerned that GarageBand doesn't have multi-effects that you can add (delay, etc.). There might just be prebuilt amp...
  6. M

    GarageBand screenshots

    Does anyone know how well GarageBand compares to Ampitube? Is it just preset amps or are there effects you can add, (chorus, delay, etc.)?
  7. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    Ahh, cool. I just need an adapter to fit the iMic. And yes it's an electric, an Eddie Van Halen Wolfgang! :cool: I will use my amp input! Thanx for all the help! I think I may have to try GarageBand!
  8. M

    Electric Guitar through an iMic?

    Can I plug in a guitar directy too an iMic, or do you have to use it like a microphone? I want to record my guitar playing too my iBook. Do I need something like a Powerwave instead? I just want to play around and don't really want to spend much...
  9. M

    Safari Text Highlight Slow

    That's kind of crappy...
  10. M

    Safari Text Highlight Slow

    When I want to select a large amount of type on a site, Safari takes forever to keep scrolling down while I am highlighting the text. Can I change that perference somewhere?
  11. M

    OSX = No Viruses or Hacks?

    Yeah, yet, that will kind of suck if that were to start happening.
  12. M

    OSX = No Viruses or Hacks?

    I was reading an article in a new Mac magazine and have read several times that Macs are fairly hard to hack and you can't get viruses. I am a switcher since this summer and love my iBook to death! I however don't know much about the security structure of them (Macs in general). I know Windows...
  13. M

    Illustrator 10 Questions

    I see, I never noticed this before. That's kind of annoying. I like the way Quark does it.
  14. M

    Illustrator 10 Questions

    Thanks guys, I thought with the rulers you could set them to default 0-0 at the top left corner, instead of bottom left, when you double click the corner target thing. See what I mean?
  15. M

    Illustrator 10 Questions

    I recently got a new job. At my past job we used mostly Quark for page layout. Now I am at a sign shop and they tend to do everything in Illustrator. I am finding this a little tough as far as setting type especially. Here are my questions: 1. Is there a tab settings menu for setting up...
  16. M

    ibook RAM pins

    Sweet! Thanx much for the quick response. I'm off to buy RAM!!!
  17. M

    ibook RAM pins

    How many pins is the ram for a 2003 g3 900 MHz ibook? I think it is 144? I want to just by PC ram for it but should know how many pins it is.
  18. M

    Photoshop and PDFs

    Nope didn't have that. Installed it from the install disk and all is happy now! Thanx for the help!!!
  19. M

    Photoshop and PDFs

    What is SVG veiwer by the way?