Is anyone interested in making a paint program? A good project for anyone who is learning cocoa or who wants some practice - especially if you're interested in graphics. And of course you get the CocoaPaint program.
It'll be a simple app which lets you mess with text and colours and looking...
No matter how out of date your computer is there will be someone who could use it, whether it is someone who just want to surf the web and send email or a school in Africa which wants to teach its students programming (both of which can be done on really old hardware).
Why bother with recycling...
How do you get two computers (Macs) to recognise each other through the terminal? eg for file transfer or "talk".
Simply plugging in, switching apple talk on and typing "who" doesn't bring up anyone.
How difficult would it be to make your own? I was thinking the same thing and plan on making one - as soon as I've figured out how to do transparent windows. Also for holding files/text/folders etc and launching apple scripts.