I'm trying to use 2 Epson C80 Printer on the same Desktop G4.
I'm having trouble recognizing which one is which. I was told about a naming utility that allows you to rename the printer so you know which one to send the job to.
Any advice or suggestion would be appreciated.
Uninstalling Adobe on OS X (10.2.1)
Can anyone tell me how to completely uninstall Adobe Photoshop 10 and/or Adobe Illustartor 10 from my G4?
In the past there was an "UNINSTALL" option during the installation setup. However this option does not seem to be availabe on the latest...
I appreciate the response. However, I need to uninstall (it's a beta that I'm uninstalling) so that I can re-install a GM with a NEW serial. All those misc adobe files contain data that may interfer with a new installation.
Can anyone tell me how to completely uninstall Adobe Photoshop 10 and Adobe Illustartor 10 from my G4?
In the past there was an "UNINSTALL" option during the installation setup. However this option does not seem to be availabe on the installer CDs. I've tried holding down the "option" key...