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    discount coupons

    I had bought 10.1 so I have the coupons that came with it. will I get discount for them or are they useless as usual?
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    internet sharing

    ok, I need to share a connection between two macs. Here Are the configurations. Mac1: Os x server 2 ethernet cards Mac2: Os x Client one thernet card I have tried everything that I could find on the net but I couldnt get them to share. I tried brickhouse too that also didnt work...
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    Dns setup

    I m running mac os x server. i have a domain name. and i also created and pointed to my static ip from my registrar. my question is how will i configure these setups to my sysytem? I want my computer to be dns servers and the web server. everyhing works...
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    mac os x to server

    I have now installed mac os x client. but I want to delete that and install server 10.1. can somebody tell me which files and folders to delete and how to install server? I have modified the server 10.1 update cd to be installed without 10.0. will that cause any problems?
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    Web and Mail Server

    I just bought a .com domain name. i dont want to pay the companies to have site. I want to use my own computer for everything. I have static ip. T already have a web site with my ip but I want it to appear when someone writes the domain I boguht. Instead of url forwarding I want to...
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    bandwidth control

    the problem is I can not use dummynet. I created the pipes bt I cannot configure them. it gives me his error ipfw: setsockopt(IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE): Protocol not available
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    bandwidth control

    so how am i going to make it work? is there any other way? like a software?
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    bandwidth control

    Im trying to put a bandwitdth limit to my carracho server. I have made pipes for the ports but i couldnt configure them. so the connection still uses my whole bandwitdh. what I tried to do was to limit the output bandwidth to 15 kbytes/s add 00100 pipe 1 tcp from $(host) to any 6700 via en0...
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    bandwitdth control

    Im trying to put a bandwitdth limit to my carracho server. I have made pipes for the ports but i couldnt configure them. so the connection still uses my whole bandwitdh. what I tried to do was to limit the output bandwidth to 15 kbytes/s add 00100 pipe 1 tcp from $(host) to any 6700 via...