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  1. dillacom

    Networking with Airport

    I am running on static IP's with my tibook and G4 iMac. I just find it easier, I am not running a printer just yet but I am using remote desktop, (to control my stereo) and it is very helpful
  2. dillacom


    thanx Symphonix. I love that weather prog. if you see any cool titanium powerbook or G4 iMac icons hollar. I love that look
  3. dillacom


    yeah the temp thing is cool. Very trusting to post your nic's IP though. I love your HD icon, how did you do it?
  4. dillacom

    interesting program from M$

    Luckily I get to administer my firewall at work so it is nice that I can get stuff done from home in the evenings and on weekends. or is it? well anyway, it is a great tool;)
  5. dillacom

    interesting program from M$

    I used this alot at my job when I was running on my PC. After this came out last week I have one less excuse to use the windows machines there. Amazingly I have found it runs a ton faster than it did on my XP machine and my win2k machine.
  6. dillacom

    Cool T-Shirts? not much much mac but tons of cool stuff
  7. dillacom

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    and if we are adding handhelds too I just solf my 2 mo old iPaq for a super sweet sony Clie NR70V/U with built in digital camera with 128mb memory stick
  8. dillacom

    What kinds of computers have you owned?

    Being my first post I thought this would be a fun one... I started with the lovely Texas Instrument ( I can't remember the model) apple IIe Apple IIGS Pack n' Smell 33Mhz home built 486 DX4 100MHz Micron P1 166 MMX (Various rebuilds) AMD 333MHz P2 300MHz P3 600MHz -Then, seeing the...