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  1. K

    Mac mini the first to go Intel?

    Hehe I tried using Babelfish but it didn't really make much sense.. we need a real translator :)
  2. K

    Mac mini the first to go Intel?

    Anyone know French? Supposedly this confirms the x86 Mac mini in January... Related Think Secret article:
  3. K

    Why go Intel?

    Check out this interview of the CEO of Freescale Semiconductor. According to him, Apple was interested in switching to Intel before the G5, but didn't want to hassle with porting software. I guess back then the technology behind Rosetta wasn't complete, and now it is, which allows for this kind...
  4. K

    Will Sell for x86 PowerBook

    Here's the deal. If Apple releases a dual core x86 PowerBook next year that dual boots with XP/Vista without issues, I will seriously consider selling my PM G5 and my PC for it. I used to use my PC for gaming (bought a $400 GPU for it), but I've really only been playing one game on it, and...