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  1. T

    alternatives to Unix?

    Well, if you just need a backup, telnet into port 110 of the POP server. Type USER yourUserName PASS yourPassword STAT RETR messageNumber ... QUIT :)
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    Look in NSTimer for the kind of thing you want to do; a typical call is something like: NSTimer *timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.15 target:self selector:@selector(update)...
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    windows taskbar for macosx?

    Yuck! That is so disgusting! Ok, bye now.
  4. T

    Mouse in OS X

    Unfortunately, a lot of application developers would abuse the second mouse button. I've used UNIX machines with three mouse buttons and a lot of the interfaces are really dumb. But on the other hand, I'm sick of control-clicking. A second mouse button makes so much more sense.
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    Introductory Guide to OS X

    It's not as though the partition shouldn't be large enough. OS X has just been eating through the hard disk space. I have at least 700 MB of invisible files on my disk.
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    Newbie Java + Project Builder questions

    Can PB do drag-and-drop? (It doesn't work for me.) Also, is there some way of getting a list of all the functions in a document and jumping between them?
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    South Park

    Just updated the screen shot to show Eyes and Eyes dockling.
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    help setting dockling icons

    For whatever reason, when you build a dockling in Project Builder the custom icons don't stick (even though of course it works for applications). It did copy the .icns file into the correct package subdirectory, but only the default dock icon shows. Does anyone know another way of putting...
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    Cocoa-Java / Interface Builder starting points?

    Good point. Do the scaling in Photoshop, with either bilinear or bicubic sampling -- try each and see which looks better. The 16x16 icon is especially important, I think, since it is shown in column view. To get the masking working, select the part of the icon you want to be visible and...
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    South Park

    Okay, here's a funny, sort-of-dumb pic using the South Park desktop off macdesktops. I erased his pupils in Photoshop and put in a pair of moving pupils. App and source code available here: Also shown are Eyes (in the menubar) and Eyes...
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    Dock in right side of menu bar

    I personally like the Dock best at the left side of the screen, just visually. I usually have it at the right side, though, because Classic apps don't like it at the bottom or left. I don't know if I'd like it in the menubar. I just wish popup menus in OS X were faster. If the dock...
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    Just a nice picture of my new app Eyes. The desktop background I found on ResExcellence's snapshots page.
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    Introductory Guide to OS X

    Also, I wonder if not having enough hard disk space could be a problem? I only have 275 MB free on my OS X partition, though I have lots free on other drives. Reformatting my drive isn't an option since I can't afford another hard drive to back everything up.
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    Introductory Guide to OS X

    I like the font, too. I only (!) have 128 MB RAM. I've been meaning to buy more for quite a while but have never known what to get. My model (G4 450 before the speed downgrade) is never listed on any of the sites. I figure now it is basically the same as a G4 400 PCI. So the RAM I should...
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    Introductory Guide to OS X

    Nice tips. Only thing is, OS X is slow. Saying we should avoid the slow parts is easier said than done. Like, how are we supposed to launch applications? :) Also, in my experience, OS X's virtual memory system is much worse than OS 9's. I run 13-15 apps in OS 9 almost always and there is no...
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    windows and display resolution changing

    I've just about finished a nice little app except it has a few known issues that I'd like to fix. The main ones have to do with placement of the window onscreen. My app uses a partially transparent window without any control bar at the top. It is at NSStatusWindowLevel so it goes above...
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    Cocoa-Java / Interface Builder starting points?

    To change the application icon, first make the icon in Icon Composer (one of the Developer applications, it lets you import 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 128x128 icons that you've made in, say, Photoshop). Save the .icns file with your project. Then in your project, one of the lines in the targets...
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    window over menubar & dock

    Aha! It's [myWindow setLevel:NSStatusWindowLevel], called after [myWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]. That works nicely.
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    window over menubar & dock

    You definitely can cover over the menu bar and the dock. See, for example, the wClock application:
  20. T

    Background in Terminal

    Nobody knows. There is a plist entry for the Terminal which suggests that it might be possible, but asaik nobody has been able to figure it out, yet.