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  1. R

    Apple Blue Screen of death.

    I try that and it says the following: fsck: illegal option -- u fsck: ? option? localhost:/ root#
  2. R

    Apple Blue Screen of death.

    Thank you LaSara. It worked with those button combos. What's the proper text I need to type in order to mount fsck though?
  3. R

    Apple Blue Screen of death.

    When I press Cmd-S there is no change in how the computer boots up. its not taking me into single user mood I mean. Any ideas why?
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    Apple Blue Screen of death.

    Guys I really need help! I made a new account on my computer for the family to use. I made the account require no password, and put only a few restrictions on what apps and utilities they can use. I set that account to be the one my computer logs onto automatically when the computer boots up...
  5. R

    Palm goes to the darkside...

    Are palms still in much use? Considering their cost and specs I would rather have a, if only they have a touch screen.
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    Xbox 360 What do ya think?? etc.

    The 360 has potential to be first in the "console war", but it and all the accessories are way, WAY to expensive. $100 for a 20GB HD. Which will be required for online play and backwards compatibility.
  7. R

    Cat Command.

    Yeah, I'm trying to join together the VOB files I ripped off a home DVD. Then make it into a quicktime formate using a app called OpenShiiva. My job be a little easier if I can make all the Vob files into a one single file and then just convert the whole thing. I was reading how some people...
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    Cat Command.

    Hey all. I'd like to join together some VOB files. I heard you can do it using the "cat" command using the Terminal. Can someone please explain the steps to me? Thank you. :)
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    Anyone experience iPod nano problems?

    Thats one thing I enjoyed about the Mini so much. It had a metal like casing. Not only did it feel real strong when you held it, but scratches didn't show up on it as easily as the glossy/crone iPods. My 15gb iPod was getting scratches from just sitting on my desk.
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    New Mac Minis?

    Well...lifting it is the 2nd problem you see. I can lift and I suppose throw it, but I would have to ask nicely for my victim to stand close and still.
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    New Mac Minis?

    If they made the eMacs slim like the iMacs then I'd buy one right there and then. The only trouble I have with my eMac is its size. Though its awesome that Apple has everything in this monitor, and it does impress my friends, its still bulky and hard on desk space.
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    I been reading what everyone has been saying here and its made me curious. Do you guys think that perhaps it would have been best if Tiger never released? That way Apple could have kept on working on it all the way to the time Vista was about to come out. It probably be faster, more features, a...
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    I'm Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats awesome! Congrats. Thats the computer I'm saving up for myself. Anything worth having is worth the wait.
  14. R

    New Mac Minis?

    The speed and those prices makes my 800MHz eMac feel so tinny. Its ok little eMac, I still love you.
  15. R

    Steve Jobs Interview...

    Try not to think to much about the pictures. They are most likely fake. I mean, they could be real, the iHome could be announced next week or something for all we know, but its most likely a well made hoax.
  16. R

    Steve Jobs Interview...

    No iHome huh? Thats to bad, these were neat looking. And I sure could use a nice DVR.
  17. R

    Went to Apple Store, Checked Out iPod nano

    So which version did you get? :) Get a laser inscription to by chance?
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    Microsoft Windows Vista to include "Gadgets"

    I hope they create useful ones. Like ones that can tell you how many viruses you have, or a "gadget" that will annoy you to death to "update" something more and more.
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    Next Special Edition iPod

    I heard on the InsideMac Radio Podcast that the next special edition iPod will be a Harry Potter one.
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    iPod commerical that never made it

    Its also on the macTV podcast. So I got to see it the other day. Its kinda weird seeing so many ipOds around, but I guess I just never grasped its popularity before hand.