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  1. gduncan

    screen shot Here is a screen shot from my Blue G3. (1600x1200) The open apps are AOL Instant Messenger, Clock, Hotline Client 1.8.5, Hotline Server 1.8.5, Internet Explorer, iTunes, QuickTime Player and Stickies. About my Blue G3: 450 MHz, 384 MB...
  2. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    Hello all. It has been a while since I last posted to this thread. I've been busy with quite a few projects lately which have kept me away from playing with OS X and also updating my web pages. I hope that will change this weekend. In the meantime, I wanted to post my latest experience...
  3. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    This progress report is to report that there has been no progress. I've not done anything with my OS X web site in quite a while, nor have I done much of anything with OS X. It's not that I don't want to do anything with either, but rather that I've been occupied with other things between...
  4. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    I've got my web pages up on the net. The address is: Check it out if you like! Greg
  5. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    I'll be putting together a website with screenshots of my adventures with OS X. The address will be I've not yet put it in place yet. Will try to have something there before midnight tonight (Tues, 11/28). Greg
  6. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    griffman: I did not mean to construe that your post offended me. Rest assured that it didn't. But thanks for the hacks you provided. I applied them as soon as I logged off from here and tried them out. I was pleased to find the drive icons and the trash icon in their expected places...
  7. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    griffman: I know that these thoughts concering the Desktop and Finder have been posted here and elsewhere on the net. I apologize if I seem to be beating a dead horse with my post. I'm just a guy who's been a long-time Mac user and I've finally made the plunge into the brave new world of...
  8. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    In order to log onto this website and read all the latest and greatest regarding OS X, I must re-boot my Blue G3 into OS 9. My ethernet is not available to me under OS X. Therefore, without ethernet, I do not have access to my DSL modem. A couple months ago, my G3 was the unfortunate...
  9. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    In order to log onto this website and read all the latest and greatest regarding OS X, I must re-boot my Blue G3 into OS 9. My ethernet is not available to me under OS X. Therefore, without ethernet, I do not have access to my DSL modem. A couple months ago, my G3 was the unfortunate...
  10. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    I mentioned in the above post that Apple should re-implement desktop icons in Mac OS X. I'd better clarify my position before countless numbers lodge protests regarding my ignorance. I know that you can set the Finder Preferences to auto-mount removable media icons on the desktop, which is...
  11. gduncan

    Observations of Mac OS X

    Well, I've installed OS X on my Mac and I've been playing with it during the past 24 hours. Below are my observations on the Desktop and Finder in the next generation of the Mac OS: My Setup: Blue and White G3 450 MHz 256 MB RAM 6 GB ATA hard drive (2) 8 GB SCSI hard drives Apple...