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  1. J

    Installing gcc

    I have downloaded the cvs latest sources, but without the developer tools you are in trouble. I believe you to download the developer tools from the apple website. You must be a ADC developer, but you can signup for free. With the developers tools cc is install, but it is version 2.95. Now...
  2. J

    GCC 3.0 question/port

    Has anyone ported or have GCC 3.0 working on OS-X. I like the OS, but I can not compile most of the GNU programs. I messed with the OS X port done by various people but now I get error message when compiling. /usr/include/mach/shared_memory_server.h:47: warning 'va-ppc.h' has different date...
  3. J

    Public Beta work better than X

    The beta was slower, but I've had to reinstall OS-X 10.0.0 three times on my Powerbook and got some kernel panic messages, now IE 5.1 will not work. The beta was better.
  4. J

    Support for 2 NIC's

    I found out that OS X Server 1.2 does not support 2 Network Cards. Does anyone know if OS X supports 2 NIC's
  5. J

    Port of PostgreSQL to OS X

    Yes, Postrgresql does port to Darwin/Mac OSX. It has been ported since 7.1rc2, it's at 7.1rc4 now. goto - It's better than Mysql IMO
  6. J

    add users + add group plus Darwin 1.3

    I have been messing around with X for a while and noticed that groups and users are not added in etc/group or etc/passwd. It talks about NetInfo... I am new to NetInfo. What are the commands in Darwin to add users and groups (if any) without manually entering them into the etc/..... Also, any...