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  1. Cat word association!

  2. Cat word association!

  3. Cat

    I cant take it anymore!!!!

    Try MAMP
  4. Cat word association!

  5. Cat

    Racial profiling

    Which I did to show how easy it is to take fragments out of context to try to prove you're right. A parallel universe with a jewish baby eating cabal? No, I live in the parallel universe of Israeli soldiers training Kurdish soldiers in the eventuality of a civil war in Iraq, which will split...
  6. Cat word association!

  7. Cat

    Racial profiling

    And how does this relate to the admissibility of racial profiling? Would we not commit the same errors? Or do you think it is most appropriate to fight fire with fire? Have you ever asked your local christian priests to apologize for all the sorrow that the christian churches have done? Do you...
  8. Cat word association!

    Strange ;-)
  9. Cat word association!

    Illuminatus (I didn't mean the band, I meant the Deep Purple album.)
  10. Cat

    (real) Voice in Leopard

    Oooh: leave the desk and instant screensaver with password lock. That would be nice. To avoid false positives, integration of internal motion sensor and camera. Could be done by combining some already existent apps.
  11. Cat

    Modern Movie Actresses

    Where are (in random order): Angelina Jolie? Keira Knightley? Michelle Pfeiffer? Catherine-Zeta Jones? Maggie Smith? ;-) Monica Bellucci? Cher? Milla Yovovich? Just trolling a bit ... not so easy to make a stragithforward choice. Audrey Hepburn was easy to pick out of the rest and won by a mile.
  12. Cat word association!

  13. Cat

    There has to be a way...

    You can try NeoOffice instead of OpenOffice. NeoOffice does not need X11. SafariStand is a plugin for Safari that automatically cleans and closes the download window on succesful download. Hope this helps.
  14. Cat word association!

  15. Cat word association!

  16. Cat

    Racial profiling

    Belligerence: list me the wars started by Iran. List me the stated enimities that are not mutual. And explain to me what you mean by "democratic restraint", if you just mean Iran is not a democracy like half of western europe, then OK, but that's painfully obvious. However, not all forms of...
  17. Cat

    Racial profiling

    Do you actually know what is needed to produce nuclear weapons? Weapons grade uranium needs at the very very least 20% enrichment, Iran is capable of less than 5%. You need thousands of centrifuges to enrich enough uranium for use in a nuclear reactor with ~2.5 - 4% enrichment, and many...
  18. Cat

    Racial profiling

    And you don't think the same has happened to Islam? Is nobody in the middle-east using religion as a means to an end? So who's the culprit, the faith and the faithful or those who abuse the faith and use it as "opium for the masses"? If tyrants and warmongers claim religious justifications for...
  19. Cat word association!

  20. Cat

    Racial profiling

    Burnings lasted well into the 18th century in Europe, enslavement of blacks ended in the second half of the 19th century in the USA, racism had its heyday in the 20th century with various racial laws. Still now in the west people are discriminated against for no other reason than skin color...