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  1. mkwan

    where ip address are kept?

    In Red Hat Linux, the static IP address is usually set in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file. Where does Mac OS X set the IP address? thanks,
  2. mkwan

    iMac G5 first pics of unpacking and disassembling

    it seems to me that the cpu cannot be if soldered in....
  3. mkwan

    Ordered my Dual 1.8ghz - ship date is 2months!

    I think I will wait until they release new Power Macs with dual core 970s. I hope I can wait it out before I fall to the temptation of the current Power Macs ;)
  4. mkwan

    Ordered my Dual 1.8ghz - ship date is 2months!

    I thought it was the production problems of 1.8 GHz G5 Processors because of the new iMacs that recently came out
  5. mkwan

    is ipfw really that bad?

    I was at macrumors forum site and I read a rather disturbing opinion on ipfw here is the link:
  6. mkwan

    enable image display in w3m

    Thanks, I got the source code and did a manual compilation (as opposed to using darwinports) and works fine now
  7. mkwan

    enable image display in w3m

    I was wondering if it is possible to enable image display in w3m using xterm. I saw it being done in linux(I think it was Red Hat Linux, I don't know what window manager) thanks
  8. mkwan

    PHP didn't update

    I installed PHP 5.0.0 on my machine without problems. I looked at /usr/local/bin/ and found php there. I did a './php -v' and it showed the right php version. try that, just replace 5.0.0 with 4.3.8
  9. mkwan

    setup VPN Server on Panther

    is there a way to setup a VPN Server on Panther? thanks mkwan
  10. mkwan

    For those of you waiting for an iTMS outside of the US...

    In Canada, it is not illegal to download songs, however it is illegal to upload songs. There is a CPCC Blank Media tariff certain medias(CD-R, iPods,...etc). For example, I bought a 20GB iPod before the store implemented the levy. The levy for anything greater than 10GB is $25 Cdn. someone...
  11. mkwan

    beginning X Window Programming

    I would like to know if there are online references I can find for beginning X Window programming using C++ language. I am an intermediate C++ programmer(up to Object-Oriented Programming in C++...but haven't programmed in a while) or any good book reference will do? Thanks
  12. mkwan

    converting pdf file to word text document

    are there any software out there that can convert a pdf file to a word document? or better yet, edit a pdf file? thanks
  13. mkwan

    compiling PHP/PostgreSQL troubles

    I tried to compile PHP-4.3.6 with PostgreSQL 7.4.2 and received errors which I don't understand. Here some of the last errors/warnings shown below: ... ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _regexec /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd definition of _regexec...
  14. mkwan

    adding modules to apache2 webserver

    Hi All, how does one add an module to apache 2 webserver? currently it resides in /usr/local/apache and it is working fine...however mod_php4 is not installed. thanks
  15. mkwan

    localized string not found

    well, I just did a full clean reinstall on another Hard Drive....the 'localized...' messages are gone.
  16. mkwan

    localized string not found

    is that the only way to fix the problem? by reinstalling Panther again? that seems like rather excessive fix isn't it?
  17. mkwan

    localized string not found

    whenever I right-click a link or a picture, I see some 'localized string not found' messages in the menu pop-up box. How do I fix that problem? thanks
  18. mkwan

    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 128MB Upgrade

    I thought that the graphics cards on the PowerBooks are soldered onto the Logic Board. Another words it will be next to impossible to upgrade the video card on the powerbook
  19. mkwan

    help: protocol Security Hole

    is this a safe solution on a mac computer? I don't think I want to download anything except official Apple security fix.....