Search results

  1. chemistry_geek

    Best comedy?

    For me Fraser was one of the funniest sitcoms, and then I would say Benny Hill. The single most comical episode of Frasure I can recall is when Frasure was talking/arguing with his father about something that the dog Eddie did. Soon the argument escalates, and Niles enters the room, Frasure...
  2. chemistry_geek

    Ubuntu Linux 6.06 for PowerPC

    A few weeks ago I read on that a few hard core Mac OS X Slashdot geeks were ditching Mac OS X in favor of Ubuntu Linux. I downloaded the latest DVD.iso, version 6.06, burned a LIVE DVD, and booted it on my duelie Power Mac G5. I was rather surprised that once it was up and running...
  3. chemistry_geek

    [HOW TO] rip DVD's to iPod

    The advice I'm providing I have not personally tried. Use MacTheRipper to rip the DVD to your hard drive, then use HandBrake to convert video from DVD to iPod (you can read the directions - 320 X 240 works well or 320 X ZZZ works well for wide screen). Once the video file is complete and in...
  4. chemistry_geek

    Kitten vs Front Row Enjoy!
  5. chemistry_geek

    Planning to buy my first Apple/Mac Computer

    You'll miss the following: installing Norton Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, Anti Spam, Norton System Works, Norton Firewall, the Windows "Blue Screen of Death", "NEW HARDWARE FOUND", and restarting your computer a few times a day due to memory leaks, flakey program behavior, computer hang-ups, etc...
  6. chemistry_geek

    Planning to buy my first Apple/Mac Computer

    speXedy, I've been an Apple user all of my life, since High School, infact, I've never bought a Windows PC. I had one given to me once, I used it as a passive air filter for collecting dust in my garage. Getting back on the subject, you need to think about how you're going to use your next...
  7. chemistry_geek

    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    While I personally don't like the existence Camp X-Ray AKA "Gitmo" as I believe it to be location of human rights violations, I understand the necessity for it. By calling the detainees "enemy combatants", the U.S. government is attempting to deny these people, as long as politically possible...
  8. chemistry_geek

    5th Generation iPod Issues

    I just purchased a 5th Generation 60 GB iPod and have noticed that after unplugging it from the computer, pressing and holding the 'Play' button to turn it off requires several attempts to shut it down. Does anyone else have this issue? Is this normal activity for 5th generation iPods? Any...
  9. chemistry_geek

    Copy DVDs with Superdrive

    Oops, I never looked at the date, just saw that it "looked recent". My apologies...
  10. chemistry_geek

    Copy DVDs with Superdrive

    Provided you have the hard drive space and the newest super drives from Apple, you use MacTheRipper to rip and remove CSS Encryption, Toast Titanium to make copies, and DVD2OneX for compression if needed. I've been using HandBrake for ripping DVDs already on my hard drive to my new 60 GB video...
  11. chemistry_geek

    Does being a Mac user make you smug?

    I wouldn't say that I'm smug, but I'm content that my computing environment is safe and unhindered by virii, spyware, adware, (worms/trojan horses now exist for Mac OS X that require administrative password to do anything). My parents' Windows PCs take a long time to start-up with all of the...
  12. chemistry_geek

    tracking my movements

    What software can be downloaded from Apple for auditing user actions?
  13. chemistry_geek

    Firewall & Security

    After I had Comcast broad band internet access for an hour, I realized that I should activate the firewall. I turned-on "Block UDP Traffic", "Enable Firewall Logging", "Enable Stealth Mode". There are two Widgets you can download: "GeoLocate" and "IPLocator". I've used GeoLocate to see from...
  14. chemistry_geek

    Where are you?

    Moving from Ann Arbor, MI to Groton, CT on June 7, 2006.
  15. chemistry_geek

    I am making a prediction

    The Canadian police recently prevented a terrorist attack with ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel (3X the amount used by Tomothy McVeigh in Oklahoma). I would not be suprised if this attack coincided with 06-06-2006 --> 666.
  16. chemistry_geek

    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    No, I do not support George W. Bush (or the current Congress for that matter), for many reasons... lack of intellect, established history of making poor judgements or allowing important issues to lapse causing even larger problems, ignoring domestic affairs in favor of foreign policy, medicare...