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  1. P

    Win2k and Mac Network Connection problem

    1: have u installed appletalk on w2k (network option) 2: have u installed file/print sharing on w2k (add/remove programs option in the control panel) 3: did u clicked on the "apple share" (something like that, don't know the exact line) checkbox when sharing your dir on w2k 4: is your login...
  2. P

    Need a window manager

    i prefer enlightment, i think u can find it at
  3. P

    Can't ping myself

    a routing table tells an ip packet which way to travel. a rounting table is build with entries/rules. if an entrie/rule match with the destination of an ip packet, then there is a port listed in the entrie/rule where that ip packet have to go. if your routing table is wrong, then ip packets will...
  4. P

    Can't ping myself

    in linux there is a file named httpd.conf, this file can be found in the /conf dir in your apache dir. check this file for strange this, also add a line to tell apache to load php (read the php manual for the exact syntax). for the ping problem, check your routing table, maybe there is...
  5. P

    Running sendmail, procmail, pop3d, and pine

    are u sure u have a config file, if yes, is it the right directory, if yes, is the config file "bug" free. about pine, i can't help u with pine with remote mailservers.
  6. P

    What do you name your macs ?

    Venus (Mac 6100/66 with 8.5) Pluto (My linux) Jupiter (my W2k) My Mac @ work is just called G3 (beige g3 233mhz 64mb ram, 20 inch)