Search results

  1. strobe

    ADB Wacom Tablet

    You can write ADB HID drivers for Mac OS X. This isn't a limitation of the OS. There are 3rd party ADB drivers. For example there is a Thrustmaster ADB joystick driver for Mac OS X. I could write the driver myself but I don't know the protocol Wacom uses. Somebody would have to reverse engineer...
  2. strobe

    Tilde = Alt - What ?

    Just as a reminder: This sure beats the hell out of ALT+255 char code. Damn Windows is stupid...
  3. strobe

    does Ram really raise Macosx 10.2.3 speed?

    I maxxed out my RAM on this PowerBook to 1Gig and virtually all of it is being used: PhysMem: 79.0M wired, 353M active, 553M inactive, 985M used, 39.1M free 353MB active when I'm not even doing anything. Any unused memory will be used as a disk cache. The more RAM the better.
  4. strobe

    Safari Bookmarks: two thoughts

    Apple's url completion is weak. Explorer's is still the best in that it will perform a substring search from all urls and titles then sort the result in a convenient manner.
  5. strobe

    What can I do with X11?

    If you have to ask...
  6. strobe

    New X11 for Mac OS X and KDE

  7. strobe

    New X11 for Mac OS X and KDE

    This package gave me an error :( I don't think it detects Apple's installation for some reason.
  8. strobe

    Apple X11 server beta out

    I really wish quartz-wm would have the option of using non-Aqua window dressing. No X11 apps will ever behave like an Aqua app, having them appear like Aqua only makes the interface confusing. Back to the slower Oroborus I guess :mad:
  9. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    Stop calling it a file then |-p
  10. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    This is why I hate UNIX. Everything is a file at a static path. You change the path, things start to break. It's STUPID! The argument that filesystems shoudln't support metadata because old filesystems do not is ludicrous. I mean ancient UNIX filesystems ony had capital letters in the...
  11. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    No. Basically HFS+ treats the file name as a file attribute and the FileID as the file itself. To find a file by path you look it up in the catalog then get it's ID. Same with folders. The whole point of the FileID is you can access a file by its ID. Thus when the path changes you can...
  12. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    BFS supports arbitrary file attributes, but it lacks support for FileIDs which is a deal-breaker.
  13. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    Step 1) Create filesystem with more or an arbitrary number of file attributes Step 2) Wait for eunuchs lovers to complain their filesystem doesn't support these attributes natively, ending up with extra invisble files
  14. strobe

    Defrag in OS X?

    Be warned that Apple's fsck isn't as good as Alsoft's Disk Warrior (in my experience)
  15. strobe

    Hacking Darwin to remove .DS_Store

    The real problem is the lack of any open standard to deal with arbitrary file attributes. I mean next you will all complain that HFS+ doesn't follow the 8.3 DOS filename format.
  16. strobe

    Defrag in OS X?

    1) I don't give a poop about arcane UNIX tools like "dump". 2) The fact remains that UFS has no equivalent to FileIDs and there is no way to emulate FileIDs on UFS unless you break the correlation between Mac and UNIX file paths. It's just that simple. If you reference a file by its ID then...
  17. strobe

    Mac OS X 10.2.1 as fast as Mac OS 9?

    Try new things? Uuuh. Whatever happened to content? You know, information, perhaps even useful information? Oh by all means make it "frickin' cool" so I know which web sites to avoid.
  18. strobe

    Mac OS X 10.2.1 as fast as Mac OS 9?

    I propose that if Cocoa apps sucked less I would value that more than a CPU twice as fast |-)
  19. strobe

    Mac OS X 10.2.1 as fast as Mac OS 9?

    Two bottlenecks: CPU bottleneck human-computer bottleneck Which one wastes more of your time in a given day? I would say the human-computer bottleneck does. This is true with Mac OS X, but even more so with Windows. BTW is there a point to Flash? I only use it to view stupid internet...